About 230 and counting

Thats about the number of kits I built (or abused) since I started getting into the hobby in 1983. That doesnt include models that were never completed. And a great portion has either been scrapped, given away, traded or sold. Translated into currency Id say that is about equivalent to a long curious stare from my wife.

So, how many have you guys built so far?

Let’s see … 45 years old, been building models since I was about 5 … mutliply the number of models I can build in a year by the number of years modelling. Subtract the number of days courting the wife and being involved with the kids. Subtract holiday time when no modelling occured and sick time.

Yup … taking all of these and many other factors into consideration…

Haven’t got a clue !!!

Allan, do you keep a record of them all? I do… I’m at number 457, but that’s from September 1979, when I joined my first model club… There must have been a pretty large number of trials and errors before that though (1974-1979)…

hrm… 14 year old, modeling for 5 years continuesly, 10 models a year.

Lost count. Actually, I never kept count. I built everything in old Monogram catalog at least once-up to 1978. Four aircraft kits I built twice. Built the UDT boat twice, etc, etc, etc. I don’t inventory 'em, I just build 'em. :slight_smile:

I have 74 models completed and on display in my home or on loan. I have not kept track of all the others that met an untimely demise wether by accident or on purpose [}:)]. I figure it must be in the 200-250 range.


Yup, I do too. Im officially at number 218, but Ive built around a dozen or so scratch-built projects (completed but not ncessarily satisfactory) and Ive had a couple I wasnt able to list. So I figure its about 230.

About 250 out of those 457 are scratchbuilt projects, and many of those were patterns so I never got to actually complete the kits in terms of assembly/painting/decalling…

Let’s see here…it’s gotta be in the 300-400 range. Who knows, maybe closer to 500?
Most of 'em are in storage back in the States, and about 120 or so are here in Japan.

How many?
yech - how many? Who knows? Started when I was 5, been hammering along for 35 years, did sometimes 2 or 3 a week when I was little (no paint or decals - they were just toys) and started getting serious about it in high school…
Probably 250-300 by now

Interesting question! Never really kept track, but it’s got to be between 200 and 300 easily.

Of course there are a few in there that I’d really like to forget.[:)]

Wow, you guys have been around. Well, I jstarted late last year (November I think) and have finished:

3 helos
12 jets / planes
9 armor

total 24 in about 9 months.

Well, just beginning though.