My first humble attempt since getting back in the hobby after a ten year hiatus. It’s Monogram’s 1/48 Skyraider with Eagle Strike decals.
What do you think? (Good or bad!)
My first humble attempt since getting back in the hobby after a ten year hiatus. It’s Monogram’s 1/48 Skyraider with Eagle Strike decals.
What do you think? (Good or bad!)
Welcome back to the hobby and welcome to the forum. And a fine 1st showing too.[:D]
Good looking model of one of my favorites. Nice job on the Sandy.
Nice work on the old kit. Good looking Skyraider.
Regards, Rick
Very nice! Hope I do as good when I start buidling again! Love those “SPADS”! Where is our new A-1E Revellogram or Tamiya?
Job well done for such a long break. I’m impressed[tup]
Very impressive, Hudgeons! Excellent debut for you, thanks for sharing! Welcome back to the hobby, hope we see more of your work in the future!
Brian [C):-)]
Excellent build. Give us some shots of the underside.
Hey - alright! Nice one - seems like 10 years haven’t been a problem for you.
My only criticism would be that it’s probably not dirty enough - Spads got filthy dirty and leaked oil a fair bit (a radial that DOESN’T leak oil is considered to be OUT of oil).
But that’s really only my personal preference - it has nothing at all to do with the quality of your build.
I like it - nice job - and post more pics of it if you can.
Nice job!
Maybe its so clean because it just came out of Depot maintenance and repaint [:)].
Finish looks fine to me
Great looking job on the build.
I was going to say something along those lines, but lee beat me to it. Other than the cleanliness, it looks like a nice build. Keep up the good work, and don’t forget to show us any future projects you do, we love to see em!
Looks great to me. Very nice way to return to the hobby!
I appreciate the comments guys!
I know its pretty clean for a Spad but I just couldn’t bring myself to risk the paint job I put on it. I have never been able to do a good USAF camo-scheme on a Vietnam era plane before. But after reading some tips in FSM and on this forum over the last few months I produced what for me was a good job. I picked up the paint brush to do some heavy Skyraider weathering but chickened out.
On the subject of weathering this plane…This scheme painted the bottom of the plane and the external fuel tanks black. How would you show the dark, heavy oil stains on the black finish?
Nice looking Sandy, Able dog, SPAD, A-1H/J. Judging from the bottom color it was one of the “Special Ops” aircraft (I cannot see enough of the tail code to determine for sure). What other aircraft can be done from the decal sheet?
As a side note the Navy considers those aircraft stolen by the Air Force. Anyone know the story behind the Air Force decision and/or choice to use the A-1 in SEATO. I seem to recall that the aircraft were pulled out of storage and refurbished for the USAF, but who made the decision to use them and why? It would seem to be regressive, that is the all jet USAF reverting back to propeller aircraft. Think of it in terms of the A-10. It is a jet, but the USAF did not want it and could not wait to get rid of it because it was not super sonic.
The decal sheet from Eagle Strike is one of their best seller sheets. It contained markings for an A-1, F-4, F-105, and F-105 Wild Weasel. I haven’t read much about them but Eagle Strike produces some quality decals and their packaging is top notch.
Its my understanding that the Skyraider was brought to Vietnam because it was the only aircraft available at the time that could loiter with the rescue helicopters and escort the troop choppers. Jets were too fast and burned too much fuel. The A-10 was the jet powered answer to this mission need. I read in one reference that some thought was actually given to updating the P-51 Mustang airframe for this assignment but the Skyraiders were already readily available.
Nice lookin’ Sandy! I think you’ve done a great job there, welcome back to the hobby, Darren.
The A-1 used by the USAF were aircraft sent to the bone yard by the Navy. The USAF bought them and up graded them for use in SEA. The aircraft would fly slow enough to escort the choppers and still carry a heavy payload. Jet aircraft were still used for rescue and were refered to as FAST FAC. The old Sandy was called SLOW FAC. Sandy was the call sign for them and that is how they became known and called Sandy. A rescue mission used many different aircraft, MIG CAP, FAST FAC, SLOW FAC, Chopper gun ships, rescue chopper and aven a Sky Watch aircraft, usually a EC-121. A lot of aircraft to rescue one or two men, but worth it.