A question about WWII Us infantry uniforms.

Those buttoned collar olive drab shirts the infantry wore, were they just shirts, or were they overshirts? If they are, does anyone know if anyone made any figures with them not completly buttoned up?

Are you talking about the OD wool shirts worn with or without a field jacket? or the HBT fatigues?
I believe a few of the Tamiya figures in different sets have open collars. I will have to look. I am pretty sure that the tank crew figures in their 1/35 M4 kit have unbuttoned collars.

See, I want to mod a figure to be a 1/35 scale captian america, but more… looking like a normal GI then a super hero, I wanted to paint the costume on so you could just see the top from under that button down shirt, unbuttoned.(plus the shield)

It’s a regular button-down wool shirt. Undershirts were tank-tops. There’s a figure by Testor’s/Italeri that’s in the undershirt with the shirt unbuttoned but it’s in an M32 Sherman ARV kit. I haven’t seen that kit in over 15 years…

thanks, Ill search for it.

And, for the sake of not starting a new thread, Do any of you know what kind of Tank destroyer Audie Murphy used (the one he got the medal of honor for) and what leg he was shot in?

I believe he was on an M-10 Tank Destroyer…look for the book, “To Hell and Back”.

Sorry if I’m a tad late with an answer but you’d be looking at a long sleevewool undershirt with a button up wool shirt over that. Most guys wore a regular cotton type t shirt but the army didn’t want that to be seen so most tried to hide it unless they were doing calethenstics. Most kept the wool undershirt on because even thought it was June-July when most GI’s showed up at the scene it still got cool at night and when it rained it just made it worse. Put your combat suit over that (be it tanker jacket or m41’s 42’s and 43’s etc…) and even the smallest guy will look like a superhero. One of the guys in Band of Brothers talks about putting on the jumpsuit made you feel bigger than life…When I do my 82nd Airborne for reenactments I do feel bigger. Not just because of what it represents but because it adds a lot of extra bulk and padding!!! Your average GI back then was probably around 5’ 7" and weighed around 150 lbs (wouldn’t that be nice…) but looked much bigger in photos and war documentaries. They were all superheros as far as I’m concerned!!!

Yep, Manny got it right.

It was a M10 from the 601st TD Bn.

Heres a painting:

Audie Murphy


Oh brilliant, thats perfect. I had never seen the movie or read the book (I know, im ashamed) so I had it pictures differently, Thanks for that refeance, shot, its gona help me a TON.