The scenerio is a swimmwagen scout meets a hezter in czech, 1944 they chated and just before leaving, the drives partner takes a picture pose of the crew, but the drive is a little unpatient and wants to leave, so he’s waits in his car.
Both models are tamiya, the main focal point is the hetzer, unfortunatly I just had a major problem on the artise paint, I prefer not to talk about it.
the is almost done, but the hezter and swimmwagen are having some delays, hopefully i’ll finish it before, any comment or advise?
Anywas I think it looks good cause the crew infront of the tank adds the atention, the swimwagon is added to explane where the camera men is and make the dio more interresting.
How ever I notice two mistake that I’ve done by accident, first the road is too small, the Hetzer barley passes thought (however this is not much a issue since its a one way road in a farmland, not much cars passes by) Second mistake, is the camera man is too close to the crew, and I can’t move him back cause of the schimwagon, I’ll have to move the truck and tank back for more distance.
Almost done, thought I need to make the signs of the sign pole to show the location of the scene (France or Czech).
well you have had 242 viewings… as for the distance, using a Leica with a wide angel lens, your guys don’t need to move, you can alway break up some of the stuff to widen the road.
as for focus, that would depend on the position you shoot your photo from. When you have the tank and the Schwimmwagen with the figures in between the focus becomes the figures