This BIG THANK YOU goes out to the following people.
Berny13, Bgrigg, Seanrbg, Music City, Glamdring, Montana Cowboy, Willuride, Jeeves, Smokingguns3, Tho9900, trowlfazz, Duke Maddog, Wing_Nut, Keyworth, Shroomy, Tango 1, Eddie miller, J-Hulk, ZoneV Afterburner, Gringe88, Jeff Herne and David Voss!
In Saturdays mail I recieved a box from Wisconsin, and was VERY SURPRISED to find a collection of modeling books, and a Gift Card from those above. My thank you is stated many times. In the books sent, I had all but 2 of them and was going to ad them to the collection sooner or later, but this is a GIGANTIC LEAP toward the est. of the model shop!
LOL, exactly like Nessie. The local lore claims that the natives believe in Ogopogo, a mystical monster that lives in Lake Okanagan. Of course the local natives never heard of it before the Chamber of Commerce started promoting it back in the Twenties…[:D]
Glad to hear it arrived! I hope everything made it there intact.
After hearing and seeing what you’ve been through, it’s the least we could do. We weren’t sure which books you already had and/or if they were lost in the flooding. Figured we’d send whatever books we could get a hold off and let you decide what to do with any duplicates. [:)]