a-20 nose parts

Well, here it is: the other day, I was looking through my pile of old built kits for one to rebuild and refurbish, and I spotted my 1:48 AMT P-70 nightfighter. There’s just one big problem: when I originally built it (before the dinosaurs were extinct, it seems) I noticed that the nose parts didn’t fit quite right. so, as the little kid I was, I decided to heat-form the parts to the “right” shape[D)]. unfortunately, I somehow managed to completely destroy them, and therein lies the problem. I really want to rebuild this kit as an a-20C with a solid, field modified nose, but as of now it has no nose at all. If anyone could reccommend an aftermarket nose, or if you have the parts and would be willing to give them up, that would be awesome. [:D]

Thanks in advance!

I just grabber a AMT Ertl 1/48 douglas a-20j havoc on ebay. I payed a little to much for it 21.06. I like this under appreciated plane. Some day I do it up right, Mabye you’ll get lucky and grab a kit cheap on ebay. Good luck


Jaypack55, I happen to have a built up extra glass nose assembly that was an optional nose for one of the A-20’s I built. If you give me your e-mail address I can send you some pictures of it to see if it would work for you. If it does, it’s all yours.

Jaypack55, I finally put your package in the mail on wednesday. You should get it in the next few days. Let me know when you get it.