A 1/32 SCALE B-17F AND G MODELS ???????

I was checking around on some sites and came across Panda’s web site.
Stunned beyond my imagination I discover a 1/32 scale B-17 in both F and G models.

How,I mean what the,where,who,etc,etc

Where do I get one and how much?
Is it of quality or fire cracker fodder?

Good Lord where will I put the thing when I am building it???

Don’t know, don’t care. Just send one my way!!!- Ed :slight_smile:

James, I too saw this on their website and I was drooling! However so far nothing has been released and they dont return emails. I cant say what the quality would be like because I’ve not seen any of Panda’s kits but a 1/32nd scale B-17G would be awsome.


My Dad flew B-17G’s in ww2.
8th Air force,92nd bomb group,325th squaderon.
Fames favored few,

Just wondering how long it would take to detail the inside of that monster.

James, I met a fellow last week that was a B-17 Tail Gunner that was in the 92nd BG, but I didn’t get his Squadron. He survived 26 missions and 3 crash landings before the war ended. Last name was Hartiens.

I dont have any photos from his tour but I have some records.
The photos were lost long ago.

His tour chalks up like this.
Dad was a bombardier.
Had two bail outs.
Had a home coming wound on the thirteenth mission but stayed in until
28 missions.
Confirmed two visuals on ME262’s
Once they dropped on a target of choice ,hitting a train and leveling a town in france.
Anouther time a ME-109 joined their formation in the dark.
Dad at first thought it was a P51 until the fighter gave them a wing wave.
as soon the gunners spun their turrets the fighter dove closly followed by two P51’s.
Those are just a few storys he told about his expeiriances of the time.

Hey yeah, we discussed this and came up with some actual dimensions:


Also, check out Panda’s 1/72 lineup:


They have a lot of promises to keep! [8D]

[quote user=“Melgyver”]
James, I met a fellow last week that was a B-17 Tail Gunner that was in the 92nd BG, but I didn’t get his Squadron. He survived 26 missions and 3 crash landings before the war ended. Last name was Hartiens.

According to records and photos I have, he was in the 326th Squadron. I’ll try and post a photo of his crew I have framed in my study.

Jonathan Hartiens

I actually found someone else that fits this description…

http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/bib/32177bert E. hartiens, tail gunner, 326th

Albert E. Hartiens, tail gunner, 326th Bomb Squadron, 92nd Bomb Group

guys, dont hold your breath on this one. Panda has had those B-17s in their catalog since at least november 2003. People have been talking about it ever since, do a google search for “panda 32 scale B-17” and you’ll see what I mean.

Take a look at the date on the initial post…this is another “zombie” thread!

Panda’s been dead and gone for quite some time. The B-17 was a non-starter.

I have one of their 1/48 F-35 kits, but think that was their last gasp.


Dont hold your breath for this.