60th anniversay Battle of the Bulge group build

I was thinking about starting a 60th Anniversary Bulge build with a start date in early November and an end date around the end of Febuary.

I know the bulge actually starts on Dec 16 but I figured since it is near Christmas I should sart it earlier.

I was thinking that it would be open to everything planes figures armor dios in any scale with PE and aftermarket or not (your choice)

Are you guys interested?

If there is enough intrest I will start a topic in the Group builds forum for this one.

Im in. Maybe with an academy M10 or tamiy M4 sherman. Mabe a dio too…

I think I’ll be doing Academy’s 1/35 M18 Hellcat.

Sounds interesting…November is still pretty far off though, who knows what will be happening then. The Stug GB will be done by that time, so I imagine you could get quite a group together for it depending on how you define the rules and timeframe.

You can count me in, either with Tamiya’s M20 Armored Car, or the M4A3 105mm Sherman…haven’t decided yet on the kit

Sounds interesting. November is still fairly far away, and I know that the commonwealth GB is around that time as well. I’m sure there would be enough people that would be able to commit.

Ditto! Maybe the M-8. Wow, something non-German for once. [;)]

I’d have to pass. I have so many GB’s that I’ve got mostly done, but still need work.-- it’ll take a while to get them all cleaned up, then I’ve got other hobbies I’ve been ignoring. Too bad, as I think the Ardennes Offensive is interesting. Enjoy, guys.

Are you defecting or something?[:D][}:)]

Hey wait a minute…at the start of the Battle of the Bulge Germans pretended to be Americans and used captured US vehicles like the M-8 to cause confusion.

Sneaky you…[:D][:D][:D][:D]

Okay I’m going to start the actual build in the group Build forum now, I’ll leave this post here to “advertise” the build

Thats a good one dwight! Someone here is not truthful!

Believe it or not I’m serious about O.D. [:O] My kitties want a fresh target. [}:)]


Tigerman I’m not sure, are you in?

As a heads up the real build is in the Group build forum.

I’m going to try William, but then I commit to everything. [8D] The timeframe is about right, for after the Stug Build, it looks wide open. The finish date is generous also.

I don’t suppose I could submit this old build, could I?[;)]

(Dodging tomatoes) Just kidding! Just kidding![:D][:D][:D]

That doesn’t qualiffy because it’s already built! And Hessler’s tank, chassis number 3456076, had the larger wingnuts … [:p]

You know, though, that might be a fun GB – movie armour GB. (Lightbulb goes off … )

I’ll put you on the list for now tigerman


Go ahead and sign me up if you haven’t already. I should be able to participate but will wait until the time is nearer to decide on a subject. [:D]

Okay I’ll put you on the list.

The real Group build post is in the group build froum