3D Printed Figures from AliExpress

I used two sets of these on my O-I and Real G asked about the quality. I’m going to post them here in case someone else wants to see what you get.

There’s a little flash but not much. And they come printed in most cases in one piece with even the slings molded in place. As you can see here a few of them do have separate heads.

I’m a little leery at times of ordering stuff from AliExpress since a LOT of their stuff looks to be pirated figures from some one else. But these seem original to me, or at least I’ve never seen them anywhere else.

As usual click the photos to get a larger version.

1/35th Imperial Japanese Infantry

As you can see here, the heads on the left are well-molded, the ones on the right a little rough. They’ll require a little clean-up. I think a bit of putty and a good coat of primer should do nicely.

Another set. This time surrendering Germans.

And a much larger scale/ 90mm Chinese femme fatale. After cleaning up the scaffolding, there was very little work. I just used some 400 grit sandpaper. After some primer she should look just fine.

Those are nice. I’ve looked at their figures as well and agree some of them look like knock offs. Great prices though…

Yeah, the prices are unbeatable!

You gotta hand it to her - she’s got a perfect trigger discipline!

Yes, yes she does!

I am really impressed with the level of detail on those Chinese soldiers, especially on the voluptuous Chinese women holding those guns!!

They are nicely molded!

BTW: They make some SCUBA divers too. You might find some of the right scale to serve as shark chum!!! [bgr]

I’ve purchased some figures from AliExpress too. There are however certian things to consider when purchasing from AliExpress:

They are a Chinese based company with the profits going to the Chinese economy. To some that might be an issue, others not so much with the global economy the current standard. Just keep that in mind.

Originating in China, they are much more relaxed when it comes to people selling unauthorized copies. The price may be lower, but if we buy pirateed copies are we not hurting our fellow model manufacturers? They are also very lax when it comes to selling questionable (porn) figures in the middle of the regular figures without any filter for young buyers, beware.

The quality varies from figure to figure so look at the figures closely. If they don’t provide numerous clear and close photos there’s normally a reason why. There are many vendors selling the same figures. That means you should shop for the best deal and be careful to use only long term vendors with high ratings (much like Ebay)

While many items ship free or very cheap, be careful when buying regular box kits as the shipping costs and tax often out weigh the cheaper prices, meaning a deal is not always a deal. Check the final prices closely.

One good thing is AliExpress supports PayPal so you purchases are protected. Shipping from China takes time, sometimes up to a month or two in my experience. Ali will work between you and the vendor should a problem occur (like Ebay).

For the figures that are not illegal copies, many are molded very well. They do represent a nice product for a good price. Many of the Asian vendors are now selling on Ebay and AliExpress at the same time. It’s amazing in some instances the savings you can make when buying them from China versus Ebay, other times not.

Here are a few I bought through AliExpress and were quite happy with them.

NOTE: The last two I found out later are unauthorized copies I purchased in ignorance, thinking they were just a good deal. Once I found that they were unauthorized copies I identified who the manufacturers were and went back to them to make restitution (Jeff Shiu for the German Tank Commander and a company in Spain for the Greek Hoplite). The others I believe are Asian originals. At least that is what I’m telling myself to ease my potential guilty feelings. While it may not bother some, it would bother me if I was in the modeling business trying to make a living.

OK, I’m off my soap box now… bye…

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Well put, DRUMS01!

Ben, I’m not crazy about paying into the PRC’s economy but it’s seems everything I already buy is made in China. So anything I buy here is a drop in the bucket to what I’m already contributing…

And the recent explosion in R and X rated figures is kinda weird. I wish there were some way to filter this stuff out. I will admit I’ve bought some PG-13 figures like the Chinese femme fatale but a lot of the stuff is frankly more gross than sexy.

And props to you for reembursing those who got ripped off by the pirates here. As I said I don’t buy stuff when I know they are pirated. I assume the stuff I’m buying are originals or in some cases stuff that might be copies but the original is no longer available.

And they’ve been generally well molded. About maybe 10% or less I’ve bought has been of poor quality.

Gamera, I totally understand what your saying and I agree 100%. And now that I still see the subject as first up in the forum I’ll show you a couple more items I got from Ali-X.

1/48 fantasy figure, no instructions or color guide. Sounds like fun!

1/32 printed kit of WW2 BMW bike with rider, same for instructions and colors, but thats OK to me as there’s plenty of images out there to finish it.

Ben: Both of those look cool! You and Jarrod will have a ball assembling and painting those. I like how they 3D print all the kit on the German dispatch rider. More trouble to paint but it looks much better than adding extra parts.