2023 Formula One Group Build

Some great work done in last years group build - let’s do it again. The season kicked off last Sunday with a Max Verstappen victory. He’s unstoppable!

For the group build -

  • Any scale/era Formula One car (must have completed at least one lap in a Grand Prix)
  • And as a nod to our history - any European Championship Grand Prix car prior to Formula One
  • Crossovers welcome
  • Starts are fine - especially continuations from last year.
  • Participation and many pics a must.

Runs from the start of the March 5th 2023 through March 5th 2024.


keavdog - 1/20 Tamiya McLaren MP4/7 Honda

Project510 - 1/20 Tamiya Lotus Type 79 1978

Greg - Tamiya 1/20 Lotus 79 Martin

Art - TBD

DRUMS (Ben and Jarrod) - TBD

Est. 1961 - 1/24 Revell Jordan Peugeot 197

jeaton - 1/24 Merit/Mistercraft Alfa Romeo 159 Alfetta

jeaton - 1/20 Tamiya Team Lotus JPS Mk III

seven - 1/20 Fujimi Ferrari 126 C2

seven - 1/12 Tamiya Renault RE20

Gregob - 1/20 Tamiya Honda RA272

Finished Builds - we didn’t get many accross the finish line this year, but what got done is quite nice! Thanks to all who joined.

FIRST TO FINISH!!! Seven /20 Fujimi Ferrari 126 C2

Est 1961 1/24 Revell Jordan Peugot

I’ll be continuing this build as modeling was put on hold for 8 months!!! We moved from San Diego to AZ and just moved into our new home last weekend. Shop isn’t quite set up just yet but it will be soon and I’ll get back to messing up perfectly good kits [:P]

Ayrton Senna’s McLaren MP4/7 but with the proper Malboro markings

Looking forward to seeing this one done John. Moving is always tough. I’ll try and jump in a little later in the year. I really enjoyed F1 build 2022.
Max and Red Bull look super quick. I’m pulling for Alonso to capture world driving title number 3.

Great Paul! Let me know what you want to build and I’ll get you on the roster. Ya, Alonso did some really nice driving to get to the podium. Hoping for a competitive year - I like Max a lot, but I like to see great competition.


Max looks super fast again, I also loved seeing ALonso fighting for top positions. Also excited to see some new faces. Id love for Mclaren to convince Honda to stay in past 2026. A Honda powered Norris driven car would be fun!

In last years Group build a user posted some details on fuel lines he got from HIro Boy, and also spot model. WHich are great, but it was pricey, and also regularly sold out… SO I started searching google and I found a pretty decent alternative. I guess its fly fishing material? ANyways, its the right size .6 mm and the right color I think. Also stateside and much cheaper. Also worth noting is that the fly shop offers 3 different sizes. The standard 3 size being the 1/20 scale size if I recall correctly.

For example 2 sets of the color tube from MFH with shipping is around $23

I bought 6 packages, in 3 different colors to see which looked the best and with shipping was $20 plus I got it in 5 busines days, so much quicker. $6.95 shipping vs MFH and Spot Models 10+ euro charge.

Here is the Fishing supply stores product www.caddisflyshop.com

Couldnt decide which looked better, darker or lighter

And the SPot model/ MFH material

Got you on the roster James!

You have a typo in your URL. One too many 'd’s in caddis :slight_smile:

Great find!


Haha thanks, changed it!

James, that is excellent info regarding the fishing line. I think most of the specialized hobby detail parts we buy are bulk something or other, cut to size and repackaged. The trick seems to be to find where it’s coming from.

Since you have both products and say they look the same to you, that’s good enough for me. I’ll have to order some soon before I need it, otherwise I’ll never remember the source! Thanks much!

John, congrats on the move-in! It’s been a wait, hope you are enjoying your new place as you get organized and settled in.

Thank you for hosting this V2 group build, and I will look forward to continuing my Tamiya 1/20 Lotus 79 Martini that I failed to finish last yr. It will be a couple months, but I’ll get back at it.

Hi. New member to FSM. Ive been building models for a long time & would like to join this group build.

This will be my first F1 build. It will be 1/24-25 and I’m still deciding which car it will be. Hopefully a Andretti JPS.


Hi Art.

Welcome to FSM and to John’s GB!

Got you on the roster Greg. I was hoping you’d come back - such fantastic work you’ve done so far… I think these cars are your calling!

Thanks for your kind words, John. I’m looking forward to getting back at it. I think I shall order a replacement set of Indycals while I’m thinking about it so I’m ready to go when the time comes.

Good idea Greg. I’m not overly fond of my decals either so I may do the same.

Art - welcome to the forum and the 2nd F1 group build. Let me know what you decide, but always happy to have another black Lotus

Holy Moley, count me in on this GB. We’re currently burried in a 1/16 Sherman Tank build, but will get back to you regarding my contribution soon.

Ben and Jarrod

I was counting on you Ben. Got you and Jarrod added to the roster.

Saudi Arabian Grand Prix on Sunday morning. My money is on Max!

I sure wish Tamiya or Ebbro would come out with a new F1 halo model. I’d jump on it.

Almost ready to start building in the new house. Setup the bench last night:

Nice setup. Moving sucks but it’s sorta fun setting up the work station. Wishing you much joy and happy times in the new house.
Happy St Pats
