14th c. Knight 90mm

Here is my latest figure off the bench. Andrea’s 90mm 14thc. Knight. Painted with vallejo Acrylics. White metal, and very heavy…

Nice work!

Wow! That is really nice!

Outstanding work. Absolutely beautiful figure.

Regards, Rick

Simply outstanding work. Wow!

Nice job-did Verlinden’s Black prince-but nowhere as showey.

Fantastic work, Mike!

Regards, Dan

Very Nice work. I have some old lead pieces from Ral Partha that I painted several years ago. I should post them and get some critiques.

Welcome aboard! If you have pictures, by all means post them and tell us about the work you’ve done on them. It’s always great to see what others have done.

Thanks guys. I had fun with this one. My next project involves using Pegaso’s Knights of the Golden Fleece. 3 mounted figures that I’m putting in a tournament scene complete with pavilions and galleries.

Guenther, definately, please do.

[wow] Excellent work once again renarts

I [bow] to a master modeller

Thanks Wayne. Nice to hear from you again.