1/72 Hasegawa Lancaster BIII - Pistol Packin' Mama.

Finally finished her at the weekend.

All done, and I have to say, a very enjoyable build. A long time since I’ve done something prop driven in 1/72 , but I can’t resist a Lanc, especially Hasegawa’s new tooling

Some minor niggles, the cockpit escape hatch is too far forward and needs moving back 1 spar (simple sand and re-masking job) fuselage windows are a pain in the Bomber 'Arris and the decals are not great ( wing roundels too large)

Also the tail wheel is WAY too large, and was replaced with the one from the Airfix kit.

The model also used the Eduard etched metal flaps (highly recommended) and Xtradecal markings for 100 Squadron, Grimsby - Pistol Packin’ Mama.

This aircraft was lost in the Nuremberg Raid of 2nd/3rd January 1945.

Thanks for looking


Now THAT is a Lanc! I am currently suffering through the Revell 1/72 Lanc kit. I just got the paint on it this past weekend. I would say their is no comparison between our two lancs, yours looks fantastic!

What did you use for the exhaust stains and weathering?

Woow this is great I don’t see many bombers in the forum.

Awsome job…


Extremely well done Lanc. I am impressed with the paint job on such a large plane. You really pulled it all together. Great job and thanks for sharing.

Outstanding looking Lancaster, The camo has a good look to it


Every once in a while, someone posts a build that’s a real head turner. That’s what I see here. Absolutely superb in every way. The construction looks first rate, as well as the paint job and weathering. Your photos are also very professionally done. Crisp focus, and great lighting. Thanks John, for a look at what I think is one of the best models I’ve seen on this forum in quite a while.


John…thats the best Lancaster I’ve seen. Absolutely stunning! I only wish I had your talent to produce such well finished models. I take my hat off to you sir, well done! Darren.

Excellent build Skii [tup][tup]. Thanks for sharing.

Regards, Rick

Wow. How did you shrink the real aircraft down to 1/72 scale. That is one outstanding build. A real gem. Thanks for posting the pictures.

Beautiful job on my favorite bomber. FYI my mom built Lancs at the AVRO plant in Ontario. I wonder where your Lanc was built?

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Thanks for sharing!

Great job the camo and weathering are fantastic.


THAT is a nice model…
I’ll have to agree with everything that everyone else wrote…very nice job, John.
You should be extremely happy with that result.
That’s a lovely little model - and some very nice pictures of it as well.
Thanks for sharing the pics, John - you’ve obviously impressed us all with your Lancaster.
Make sure you post pics of your next model, mate - we’d all love to see it!

AWESOME build you have there John! [bow] I have this one in the stash and I hope it comes out half as nice as yours. Thanks for the tips and I will definitely have to pic up a set of those flaps as they look great. Thanks for the look and for sharing your talent with us. [tup]

Well guys - what can I say !?!?

Thankyou for the wonderful response, I’m very glad you like the result.

I really can’t recommend this kit enough, and it has a FAR better shape to it than the Airfix kit, if you want to build a Lanc, spend that little bit extra and go for the Hase kit - it really is worth it.

That isn’t to say the Hasegawa kit is perfect - but you simply can’t do better.

TAdan - The weathering was done by a combination of pre-and post shading , exhaust smoke was done by spraying black first, then light grey over the top to represent the lead deposits.

Once again thanks guys, nice to see such a positive response to the old bird.


Outstanding job on the build, John, especially the finish! I’m envious of your skill and patience.


Great build,dig the weathering.

that is a fantastic great job

and on the lighter side

that plane was lost at nuremberg it is amazing how you found it and restored it so fast[:o)]

Thanks Mark, allen and Joe

Much appreciated guys :smiley: