Must be a German Tank (includes armored cars and SP guns) in 1/72 scale. Starts January 3rd, 2006 and ends January 3rd, 2007.
1.Can be enemy armor in german decals or german armor in enemy decals
- No time period any panzer, any year.
3.Dios welcome
GB Badge

Hi to you from South Georgia. I’d be interested in participating in this, as I already have some German armor in 1/72 built, it would give me a great excuse to build another. Do we have any other rules to build by?
I would also not mind joining this. I have already just barely started my Jagdpanzer IV, and would be interested to know if that can be one of my submissions for this build. Otherwise, I’ll start one of my other German armor kits: the Jadgtiger and another Jagdpanzer IV as well as a Panther A.
Kent here are no other rules and Duke you can use the tank you already started.
Hmmm…what to build, what to build…
I do have a Panther, a Flak 88 gun, and I think also a halftrak of some kind, maybe a FAMO, in 1/72. Thank god for Ebay.
One thing I’ve been wanting to build is some of the earlier German armor, like the Pzw II and III. All I have is the bigger stuff, and when I put it next to things like my T-26 in the display case, it just overwhelms it. I sure wouldn’t want to go up against a Tiger with my little ol’ Stuart M3, either.
(Hopeless Styreneaddict)
Hmmmm I have a few pieces of 1/72 german armor I got for christmas and such mind if I hop in with a DML Maus?
Excellent! Then I’ll kick this puppy off with what I got started with already. It isn’t much, but here is a pic of the start of my Hasegawa 1/72 scale Jagdpanzer IV. I got the lower chassis an some of the wheels done on her, but I haven’t installed the roadwheels yet:

I’ll have a bit more done tonight, and then maybe even start one or two of my other tanks as well.
Stay tuned!
I picked up the Dragon Jadgpanzer IV last week so I’ll join in too but I have a lot on my bench at the moment so won’t start for awhile. Will be interesting to compare it with Duke’s Hasegawa build.
Sounds good I have to go buy a new kit (Probably a dragon King Tiger)
Anyone have an idea for a badge?
I can put something together for a badge over the weekend if you like.
Will, my 11 year old son is going to join us with a SD.KFZ.234. He is more interested in Nintendo and Star Wars, but he surprised me by deciding to build something for the GB. He’s already built a nice Sherman.
I have already washed everything (Panther, Flak 88, and FAMO) and started filling ejector pin marks and sinkholes. Primed the Flak 88 and the Famo last night. All three of these are Hasegawa kits, very nice clean stuff.
Hey, it looks great so far. I haven’t even begun to assemble anything yet. [:I]
Hey razor that would be awesome if you could work on a badge.
I’m going to go get some kits but the only hobby shop that carries 1/72 armor is 3 hours away from my house.
Everyone is welcome to join this GB so you don’t have to ask.
Has anyone done a Dragon Kit in 1/72 scale?Is it harderthan a Revell Germany 1/72?
i am in the middle of 2 dml 1/72 kits right now my Maus and a late Panther G the fit and quality of detail is very good although many parts like the commanders MG 38 are delicate in this scale ( im primarily a 1/35 armor builder ) the panther has a screw together hull with a small gap at the front of the hull which i filled with super glue the 2 hull halves are made of die cast metal im not sure if this is a common trend in 1/72 armor i had to grind a little bit off of the forward screw to get the bow MG position to fit as it covers the screw hole or you could take a little off of the tip of the screw to make it sit a little deeper in the hole. the maus is an all plastic construction with a small fret of PE for some intake screen detail and a boarding ladder i have the turret and suspention done so far and i am really pleased with the kits detail i hope this helps it is not a comparison to revell kits as i have not built any thusfar but with the experience sofar i think i will be doing more 1/72 armor as a relaxing change from my 1/35 scale 800+ part DML , Trumpeter and tamiya kits i usually build i give these lil guys[tup][tup][;)]
OK are the tracks 1 peice or many seperate peices, and are the decals good? The Revell Germany kits are all plastic the hull of my Tiger 1 is in five peices, turret is in eight peices (not counting the tracks on the side) and there is not enough decals, it came with one german cross and two unit numbers.There are many track peices and hate it.
the tracks are 1 piece vinyl similar to the older tamiya 1/35 scale kit tracks the decals look pretty good although i only see markings for 1 panther and markings for the 2 prototypes of the maus they seem to be as well made as my other DML decals the hull on the maus is made of a top bottom and 2 sideplates the turret on the maus is almost as large as the completed panther lol they join verry cleanly and i have yet needed to fill ANY seams on either other than the one on the panther hull
as for the tracks they have nice detail and are nicely flexible the joining points have a nice large surface for glueing you will need to use a super glue type to join the vinyl but where they join after glue is not noticeable unless youre really looking and on bolth of my tanks i hid the seam behind the side armor skirts
Does the Maus decals look real? I like the “Panzer 46’s” personally but some of my freinds won’t build one because they say there is not enough detail.
I like those one peice vinyl tracks.Easy to build
the details match the few photos i have of the one that broke down while heading into action when the allies were moving in on the grounds where it was tested.there is even a nice rough texture to the huge cast slabs of armor that made up the sides and turret .the gun barrels are clean with minor mold lines i got rid of those with a nail buffing stick no sandpaper required the bore’s of bolth the 180 mm and the 75mm are bolth drilled out i’m impressed by the detail and I usually build the DML 1/35 kits with all the AM detail goodies and I can buy 4 of these 1/72 kits for the price of one 1/35 scale DML or AFV Club kit
I’m in, though ive got something like 20+ kits that qualify so i’ll post as many as I build this year[:)]