1/6 Scale Leon Berger 1872 Guillotine Model

Hi all

Here’s something different! This is my 1/6 scale model of a Leon Berger 1872 Guillotine that I bought several years back. It is very detailed as you will see. The person that made it is Michael Neilson, and has a website under the name Boisdejustice. Sadly, he is no longer making Guillotine models anymore, however his website is still up for those who want to see his work. Here are some pictures of my Guillotine model.

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That’s nice. Big model! Wood & metal kit? I scratch built one out of brass and balsa as my ‘book-report’ for A Tale Of Two Cities in highschool. Didn’t have a head bucket like yours though :wink:

Hi John

This Guillotine model was not a kit, it was scratch built by the man I mentioned above. And it is constucted of Mahoghany wood.


It’s nice to see a complete one of these! Artwork and what other pictures, don’t include to rest of the equipment! The head Bucket and splash shield and the lead lined body box were a necessary part of this machine.

OH wow!!! That’s beautiful if a little morbid! Neilson did a fantastic job on it!

Now I have to wonder if there’s a Marie Antoinette Barbie to stick in there???


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Wow, congratulations for such a detailed model. I am sure that even the mechanism in the capitel is also functional.

Pardon the indiscretion but what was the price of it? I am just curious to know the approximate price of such a good piece of craftwork.

Beautiful workmanship