1/48 Testors F/A-18B

This is the first kit that I ever finished, from about 20 years ago. Looking at it today I can see a number of things I would do differently if I were to do her again today, but I still like it all the same. Was finished with Model Master paints.


Nice work! A very clean build. :saluting_face:
I always wondered how this kit looks when built as you never see them posted in any forums.

That…is your first build??!! That’s a good build regardless of skill level Chris.

I still have a couple of my older “untouched” builds that survived my childhood that are over 35 years old and it’s always good to be reminded of where we came from in modeling. My son told me one time that he could never be as good as I am in modeling (and I consider myself an average modeler at best) but I took him over to the display cabinet and showed him my first attempts at modeling and explained that we all start somewhere. I knew I kept those things around for something. lol


Yeah, you don’t see to many examples of this kit out there. Glad I could give some insight into what it looks like built.

Well to me, the time and effort that goes into building a kit makes even a bad kit worth keeping. The analogy of these things being are children is a good one.