The nacelles are nearly ready, after their stopping a while at the putty workshop…
BEFORE sanding
AFTER sanding
Front view
Water drops are showing inside for the photo was shot just after the nacelle was removed from the cleaning soapy wash I always put parts that underwent a sanding in (I always do that to get paint ready clean parts)
It’s looking great Richard! I have one of those that’s near completion; you’re making me want to pull it out and finish painting it now! In fact I just may do that this weekend…[:D]
Your Bone is coming along in superb fashion, Richard. Your attention to detail is most impressive and inspiring. I’ll be using your photos as references when I get around to building my Bone.
Glad to see you enjoy my Bone ! Thanks for your comments !
Tonight I spent a while on the PE parts on ONE aft nacelle
Tricky fit of the parts, adjustments not really handy, but I will tolerate the result achieved. Anyway it depicts the area in a better way than the basic kit does
Exhausts are not fixed and just shown for the photo…
The nacelles detailing being over, I switched to the position and flashlights at the wingroots, that are not supplied by the kit, although the panel they’re in is depicted.
I found translucent red and blue styrene to shape up these position lights, and the flashlights are made out of canopy sprue. Then I punched holes on the sides using a new blade, and I was done
I’ll have to get to the ones at the wings ends now…
Richard, your BONE is coming along very well. Since you are constructing this model, and you must have the instructions nearby, could you do me a big favor and scan them and send them to me? I am in the painting stage on my kit but my instructions were destroyed by water from Hurricane Katrina. My e-mail address is
very VERY, Nice work. What an Huge AC. I was actually cusing you in the begining for not putting somtheing down as a scale refrence, but when I saw the 5 pound note, Whell.!! The work you have done so far is simply fantastic. You have to keep us posted on your progress. Where are you going to keep this thing when you finish.
While awaiting warmer temperatures to paint its gunship dress to my bone, I dealt with the Jdams this week-end and foresaw 2 of them to fit in bombbay one :
Now it makes the detailed bay a little more “aggressive”.
Simply some amazing work. Each update makes me shake my head in awe at your attention to detail. Keep those progress reports and the photos coming, I’m taking notes for my own Bone when I get a chance to start on it.