1/48 Amusing Hobby ME262 HG III

Finished this kit last year and have to say it was a pleasant surprise at how easily this kit went together. Can not really come up with anything to fault on this one. Finished this in a late war paint scheme, I know that some of the RLM paints did change over time so I went with what reference photos showed as being from 45’ on using SMS paints. With additional variants of this kit now being available will pick them up and build them at some point.


Great looking build there, Ranger Chris. I have a Tamiya Me 262 and a Dragon 2-seat 262 in my stash. Sure would like to add this one. Very nice build.

Very nice biild. Ive been wanting to pick one up but i build 1/72 scale. I know there are kits available in that scale but probably not as nice as this one.

I built the Tamiya 262 a couple of years back and it almost fell together. If this one is even remotely on par with that kit, I’ll pick one up for sure as the Me-262’s are some of my all-time favorite aircraft. You’ve done a really good job on this one with the camo scheme and light weathering Chris. :+1:

nice looking kit, nice job.

Probably not as detailed, but was still an easy build.