1/35 Tamiya M-4A3E8 "Easy Eight" - #1 Completed pg.2 #2 WiP

Let me start by saying yes, this is the same new-tooled Easy Eight Sherman kit that everyone has been enjoying a lot. And what can I say about it? Wow. This is a dream of a kit and I imagine it will birth a billion builds over the next decade or two.

It is a most solid base model so far. Details are not lacking and it has the typical Tamiya excellence of engineering. This is not a disappointing kit.

My only complaint this far has been al of the “closed” periscope ports. If you wish to display this model in a realistic fighting stance with hatches closed, no one except the gunner and the TC will be seeing anything. The driver and co-driver are going blind.

That’s the first thing I’ve decided needed fixing so far. Vision ports open. I have started with the two center hull ports using some left over vision blocks from the AFV Club M-60A1. Which are a bit too wide, but I wedged them in, using some this sheet for the covers and stretched sprue for the hinges.

I’ve got one side of the running gear assembled with all wheels rolling for ease of painting later. I should be able to complete the other side soon.

I wanted to open the loaders periscope as well, but that may need more work and I’m afraid to lose the detail. I will be adding a crew and I have some lovely resin stowage as well. Keep watching as I keep finding little details to improve as I go along.

Some gear and stowage play.

A bit too early, but I’ve been distracted lol.

Looks good,this one came out right after I grabbed my Tamiya/Tasca rebox.I did the Tamiya Isreali Isherman which I think builds up similar to this one.

Mike: Ohhhh, that looks good! I’m so tempted to pick one up if only I didn’t have several of the Asuka/Tasca M4A3E8s that I really, really, really need to get built first.

I don’t ever recall building one of the infamous Tasca rebox Sherman’s so I can’t compare them. This kit is excellent though.

I love the tracks because they simply glued together without a single issue, but they don’t lay right like indy links do. I may end up gluing them to the idlers to make them look like gravity exists. But that’s a detail I will tackle much later.

Those Ishermans are wicked, mean looking tanks. Maybe someday I’ll tackle one of those myself.

This kit reminds me of how beautifully the new Hien kit went together. Things fit so well I’ve already found myself adding gear to it, knowing I won’t have any fit issues later.

The engineering is top notch. There’s only 8 pieces per suspension unit and it’s solid, but looks like it should function regardless. It’s been a test of patience sanding road wheel seams, but once that’s done they assemble easily and if you’re careful they still roll.

Each wheel has excellent raised rim detail inside and out, so painting should be easy once I get there.

Nice work so far.

Thank you, sir. [Y][:D]


That’s all of the major assemblies. Now I just have to add all of the little bits.

Looking very good, I have the same kit in the stash and need to get around to building it one day.

This is looking very cool.


Thank you.

Mine has sat in the stash for a year, but then Dad started in on his and I was inspired to dig mine out and start it too.

He’s getting a lot better with his figure painting.

(Photo credit; M-60 Tanker)

She’s lookin’ good Mike!

Looking good Mike. I think you have another winner on your hands!

I haven’t made any real progress in a few days. That’s my Dad’s Easy Eight in that last picture. He’s much further along than I am.

M-60 Tankers latest pictures he’s sent me;

He’s on track to a good finish.

I’ve got some catching up to do lol.

Well both of them look good. [;)]

Super nice work there from your dad! [Y]

Something for Tamiya M4A3 kit builders to consider: Tamiya still hasn’t corrected its research error of including the engine crank, mounted on the rear bulkhead. No M4A3 ever had that item – only used on radial engined tanks.

Maybe omit that part?

Forgot all about that Roy, good reminder. I’ve got a half dozen or so of these kits, put away in a closet. I keep printing a 40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby and grabbing one when I go by. I guess I could slow down now… maybe even build one. It looks like a really nice kit.

That part is still on the sprue lol. But not because I knew that. Thanks for letting me know about that!