1/32 Sea Stallion - or 1/48....

Searched high and low for a big boy CH-53 to no end.

Anyone have suggestions other than empty ebay for a large version of the Sea Stallion?

Thanks much.

There has never been a 1/32 or 1/35 CH-53 kit. The largest you will find is in 1/48, which is still pretty big. The fuselage is right about 24" long, with the rotor disk being about 18" across.

Academy made two versions, a USMC CH-53E and a USN MH-53E. Both are currently out of production and hard to come by. Ebay is probably your best bet to find them.

There are also the older Revell USAF CH-53C/D and German CH-53 G, GA, & GS/G versions.

There seems to have been one in 1/32 in the green army man toys side of things. Made by New Ray, not currently available. Came in a play set with tent, HMVV or similar, and little green army men.

There’s probably seven things not true in their product description, but hey it might be a place to start…

If you mean this one, it is mislabeled. It is a representation of a SH-3 Sea King, not a CH-53 Sea Stallion. Still not a scale model either. Also, it is not 1/32, but scales closer to 1/38.

“New Ray Glorious Mission Navy Sea Stallion Helicopter Military Playset 1:32 Scale”

Nope def. not a Stallion. I didn’t find a picture.

Out of curiosity, how did you determine the scale?

I looked into it a while ago when it first came out and measured one.

Also, here is a thread about a resin copy made from the New Ray toy and how bad it is. At the bottom of page 1, “Tigger” gives a good rundown on it.


Why I get ornery when people online complain about the “poor” fit of older Tamiya/ Airfix kits…

That academy CH-53E is the one I’m after. I guess I’ll keep my eyes open Thanks much!

was on ebay last week and got a 1/48 german ch-53 along with a 1/72 rh-53 with shipping TOGETHER $60.00. Patience…lots of patience. Brian

1/48 53d/g are in at hobbylinc. no idea how many available. Brian

with army markings…!?#