Does anyone knows whewe to get inexpensive display cases for 1/32 aircraft??
One thing you might want to look at are some of the display cases that you find in antique stores where people rent booths. They have shelves, and glass fronts and sides, usually with glass or mirrored shelves as well, with a mirror on the back. I’ve seen some with built in lighting. If you ask around, you could probably find a used one fairly reasonable, or they may be able to tell you where you can get them. I may buy one for myself one of these days.
Other places to check are businesses that sell used office/store fixtures. These places usually have several sizes of display counters and racks and can save a person some money. Even if you had to refinish the wood you’d still save some bucks. Also salvage yards where they recoup furniture/fixtures/hardware from various places. I’ve found a lot of good deals at those places, not necessarily display cabinets but other stuff all the same and there’s always the chance of running across what you’re looking for. You just have to get out and scrounge around. Hope this helps.