Zveda figures

well here are some german figures I did

figures were done in Tamiya paint and the rifle straps are lead foil painted with Testors Model Master Leather.

Kinda hard to see the detail with the fuzzy shots. Looks like a good start. They just need some shading.

I don’t know if all their figure kits are the same. I bought some, and they were just horrible, but their Russian tank crew was actually pretty nice. I wonder if Zvezda and italeri shared a lot of their older figures.

I belive this is a re-pop of an ancient Heller set from the late 60’s or early 70’s.

[#ditto] To what zokissima said about the pics. They look good though.

ajlafleche you are right they are Heller molds.

i dont really like Zvesda figures, they seem to fake and unrealistic, and lack detail, but you can still make them look good, you should shade the faces more

well mostly it has to do with how you paint them and the quality of the paint but sometimes the kits are of a better molding than some of the Tamiya offerings say for example the torso and head of the Tamiya figures are sometimes one piece which makes it hard to paint them without messing up.

Oh and as for the Lead foil I have a 50 foot roll of lead foil I got from work 5 years ago and it is the thinnest lead foil out there.