Zimmerit leap of faith

Hey guys,

Have been (as usual) procrastinating on tackling the whole zimmerit issue.

I tend to spend money impulsively when I’m stuck usually on things I don’t need etc.

well, it’s too late to go back as I’ve just bought: (from Frontline hobbies in Newcastle, Sydney)

‘**Kneadatite Polymeric Blue / Yellow Side By Side Putty Tape’ & '**AFV’s 1/35 Accessory Zimmerit Coating Applicator Doe.’

You might be asking why is he telling us this?

The reason is I’m hoping someone on here has used this putty tape and what kind of results they produced.

Thanks in advance,


Don’t know what type of tank you are thinking to use zimm on but Meng makes decals for the Panthers and Tiger II’s that will fit the Dragon kits too. They are very easy to apply.

Not familiar with the tool, but definitely yes to the two part putty, also known as green stuff.

Haven’t tried it to recreate zimmerit, but can describe some general qualities about the stuff:

  • very tacky, so keep a small dish of water handy to keep both your fingertips and tools wet

  • it has a work time of about 2 hours, fully cures 24 hrs

  • it’s properties are great for holding together when really thin

  • not the best putty if you intend to sand it after it has dried - in this case it’s suggested to mix in 50% another putty such as Apoxie Sculpt.

