You guys want me to host a picture gallery?

I am a web designer… I have a personal site, and a business site,

I could host a picture gallery… so you all could upload your pictures and everyone else could view them.

It wouldn’t have any ads, popups, or any other nonsense… and I would pay for it.

What do you all think?

It would be just like this one,

A very generous offer Ron … myself, I have 2 places that I can host pics at and also my own site but I’m sure there are others here who are looking for a host site.

P.S. Great sites Ron…when will you have time to build a model though? LOL

Ron. I echo Shermanfreak’s remarks. Very generous offer… I’m sure some will take advantage. I simply host mine on my own site for ones I include in my postings. Now, if you’re talking about something like the Reader’s Gallery that appears in FSM, I think that would be great.

Ok, I just went ahead and made the album.

Give everyone a chance to upload their photos. Instructions in case anyone wants to use it.

  1. Go to

  2. Click the Logon Link at the top right, and enter this information:

user: fsm
password: model

  1. Follow the little instructions and upload your photos from your harddrive. Then after you are done uploading the page will auto reload showing your pictures, click on your photos and copy / paste the link in here so everyone can click straight to your photos.

I have unlimited space, so dont worry about how much you want to upload.

You can also create your own sub albums for your own personal armor series, etc.

You can also upload copyrighted photos as long as the copyright and image is unaltered, under the Law of Fair Use. One of the benefits of running a website that has no income at all, :slight_smile:


Thanks for going through all this trouble…I hope many on here will take advantage of this generous offer.

Regards, Dan

Great stuff, Ron and thanks for the time and effort you’re putting into this. I hope it proves to be very popular. It might be good to create a new post just with the instructions and ask dvoss to ‘stick’ it so that new members become aware of the opportunity…!

Very cool site!!
as soon as i can get my pics developed and get to the track park with my digital camera, i’ll have some good pictures. I’ll also have a chance for more field pics soon enough.
take care, and i’ll get them out as soon as I can.