
im not that new here, i just never saw this topic. my real name is Ryan, i am 14, and i live in vancouver canada.

A belated intro still gets a belated welcome.
Welcome aboard Ryan…it’s good to see young modellers like yourself so active in the forums here. Keep on posting.

Welcome grasshopper!

A new young mind to mold and shape (or corupt [}:)]) in the lore of the model builder. Its good to see new members, feel free to ask anything, and remember the only stupid question is the one that doesn’t get asked, If you can’t solve your problems here, you might be S.O.L.

Again welcome from Calgary

Madd Dawg[8D]

Hi ya Ryan …

Great to see young modelers active in the hobby! By all means, don’t hesitate to asks those questions … shoot, some of us “old guys” ask questions too !

Have fun and welcome!

i wish i could not glue my fingers 2gether. happens everytime i use superglue :frowning:

that darned stuff does get everywhere if you aren’t careful !