Xtracolor (Hannants) enamels in the US?

Dear All,

I would like to try out Xtracolor enamels but I can not
find a good web store in the US that (1) carries the full line
and (2) actually has it in stock. I’ve tried Great Models
but they’ve put me in back order, so that I really don’t
know when or if I’m going to get these paints.
I’ve also checked out some stores in the UK, but they
have inconvenient shipping rules.
If someone knows a good store in the US that satisfies
(1) and (2), and can be reached via Internet or phone,
I would really appreciate if you share its coordinates
with me!



It will take convincing the retailers that there is a good market for the Xtracolour product. If several modelers will communicate their wish to buy them, webstores are more likely to keep them in stock. I would recommend that you lay in a good supply when they are available, as VOC regulations are starting to inhibit shipping of oil-based solvent-thinned enamels in some areas.

Thanks for clearing out the situation!

What I know now is that Hannants store in the UK:
carries the full line of paints and these paints there are
cheaper than in the US (say at Great Models). But they
would only ship them to the US if I, first, spend more than
30 pounds at thier store and, second, order a kit (they
claim that only having a cardboard kit box in a parcel will
give it enough structural integrity to survive a trip overseas
and protect the paints shipped with it – sounds ridiculous
but what can I do?). And kits are usually priced much higher
than in the US. Still, if the situation with Xtracolor is so grim
in the US, it would be probably worth it to purchase some
garbage kit for 5 pounds (they have some of these on sale)
and a truckload of Xtracolor paint with it. This option might
be on a more expensive side, but at least there will be no
indefinite backorders.


For those who are still interested in the Subj,
today I received my order from Great Models.
I got four out of six ordered enamel tinlets
(the remaining two + thinner still on backorder)
and it has taken me around three weeks (order
placed Jan 30).

Summary for the moment: you can probably
get this stuff from a US retailer if you have a
lot of patience, but next time I, personally, will
try the method given above
