I’m planning my next project (Mig 3) and I need some assistance with the color scheme. What are the colors of the following items;
Wheel wells
I’m planning my next project (Mig 3) and I need some assistance with the color scheme. What are the colors of the following items;
Wheel wells
This site has everything you wanted to know about the MiG-3, and probably more…
Another web source is here:
Eric Pilawski is alsa a source, here
Aslo, Pilawski wrote a book that I have and like,Soviet Air Force Fighter Colours 1941-45
Short version, you’re probably safe using a grey-ish version of RLM02, such as the Xtracolor matt interior version, with maybe some extra medium grey added. If my memory serves from having built the ICM 1/48 MiG-3 many years agom this was, effectively, what they suggested on the instruction sheet.
This is a topic which has been discussed before, but I can’t help feeling that Comrade Stalin would have got upset if he were to have learned that weapons production lines were being stopped for want of exactly the right paint, and upsetting Comrade Stalin was not good for your health. Thus, roughly right is good enough.