I’m new to armor modeling. I did do a search and just want to confirm what I may have learned. I am building a lightly weathered Jeep, something that may have served stateside and never saw combat. I’ll be using the AMT Hogan’s Hero’s Jeep. Yes, I know the Hasegawa Jeep is more accurate and a better kit but I already have several of the AMT Jeeps and I’m not a super stickler for accuracy. Wether it represents a WWII or Korea Jeep or a mixture of the two is not important to me.
Anyways, here’s the question. I was wondering about the colors of the Jeep, primarily the undercarriage and drivetrain. A forum search indicates to me that everything top and bottom was painted OD. Is this correct? The frame, axles, driveline, suspension, it was all OD?