WWII-Korea Jeep Colors

I’m new to armor modeling. I did do a search and just want to confirm what I may have learned. I am building a lightly weathered Jeep, something that may have served stateside and never saw combat. I’ll be using the AMT Hogan’s Hero’s Jeep. Yes, I know the Hasegawa Jeep is more accurate and a better kit but I already have several of the AMT Jeeps and I’m not a super stickler for accuracy. Wether it represents a WWII or Korea Jeep or a mixture of the two is not important to me.

Anyways, here’s the question. I was wondering about the colors of the Jeep, primarily the undercarriage and drivetrain. A forum search indicates to me that everything top and bottom was painted OD. Is this correct? The frame, axles, driveline, suspension, it was all OD?


Frame and all of the undercarriage was also painted OD Green.

As a further note. Most stateside vehicles that were not sent to the combat zone were also painted either in a semi-glosss or even a highgloss finish as well.