WWI German Tank references - please help

I’m in the process of scratchbuilding an LK-II (since I can’t justify the cost of the resin kit) and I’ve reached an area I’m not sure about - between the tracks and the main hull. The only reference I have is in the book "German Tanks In World War I: A7V . . . ". I’ve read there’s a good reference in another magazine (not FineScale) on this tank. Are there any other good references out there that would help me in 1/35. e.g. - anyone have the aritcle I hinted to or instructions for the Cromwell resin kit. I’d really like to do some other WWI German tanks as well, such as the LK-I, LK-II Kanonenversion, K-Wagen, A7V-U.

Try your request on both of these sites:


http://www.missing-lynx.com/dg.htm (try the General group)

For the A7V, there’s a Schiffer book (a kind of Squadron Signal ‘in action’ book from Germany. Also, very good references at:






Do you have any info (drawings!!!?) of the munition carrier based on the A7V???