Saw this at another forum. It’s a new release from Dragon.
I just knew you would love to see this!
Here is the link:
Saw this at another forum. It’s a new release from Dragon.
I just knew you would love to see this!
Here is the link:
Trumpeter is also releasing a Leopold (supposed to be Nov. I think) and will probably outdo the dragon big time.
I will have one or the other in my collection though![:D]
I’m waiting for the 1/35 Dora to come out too!!![:D][:p]
Of course I’d have to build a garage to display it in[:p]
It even comes with 7 sections of track for display [:D]
Agree erush, if someone does make the Dora kit someday, the home improvement industry will be very busy with additions being built. $115 isn’t all that terrible for this.
looks cool… i would hate to see the prics tag though![:(!]
I read in another forum what Trumpeter and DML may charge for their kits. The Dragon kit was priced at $90 and the Trumpeter kit is
to be listed at $145 Either price is an eye opener for me.
A buddy of mine in Taiwan has a 1/16 (yes, one sixteenth!) scale K5. Resin and aluminum kit. He doesn’t know the maker, and won’t tell me the price.
But he did say it was large.
I’ve always been fascinated by railway guns. That must have been something to have seen one of those, especially in action.
I did a search for a 1/16 K5 and here’s what I found:
Maybe someone living nearby could give them a call and find out some more information. [:)]
1/16th Scale German Railgun (DORA)
(click the enter link and then click on the picture of the railway gun)
To get an idea of the size, check out the picture of the guy next to the model. Wow!! I’m wondering where would you display something like that?
I’d like to know what he charged for that 1/16 Dora.[:p]
All I can say is there’s a guy in my region who’s gonna be mighty upset that he didn’t wait another year to start scratchbuilding a Leopold! [:p]
Fade to Black…
when they come out with Dora (or gustav) is it going to have 4 RR tracks, the 2 assembly cranes, the 1200 men it required to assemble and disassemble, and the aa regiment? LOL
That would cost, hmmm let’s see…
5 men seperately are about 10 bucks
175 for the gun
15 bucks for an aa gun (we’ll say 10 th the reg, I don’t know how many)
the cranes would be about 25 each
$1500 approx. resin: 6000 approx.
the box would be:… ever seen a steamer trunk
its all a guess, and I highly doubt anyone would ever come out with it