A couple of weeks ago I read some posts on the “LEOPOLD” but I was not really that interested in the type. But, lo. I was at the hobby shop the other day and they have two boxes on display. The size of the box already caught my interest. I was lucky to get a pick inside the box and I asked myself if it would’nt be great if I have one of those.
The price: about US$60 - maybe I can afford it.
The size: well, maybe I don’t have any place safe (away from my kids) to keep it.
Thanks, edog. Actually, I think I have already seen the sites when there was still a discusssion on LEOPOLD some weeks back. Unfortunately, though, I don’t think Trumpeteer’s kit will ever reach these parts of the globe.
[?] Some reviews I have read would suggest the Trumpeter Kits version may be better than the Dragon Kit version.
[}:)] But who cares I have already ordered the Dragon Kit version for my local hobby shop. Got to have one (it’s the fustrated railway modeller in me that made me do it).
Everything I’ve read in the Japanese magazines says the Dragon and Trumpeter kits are pretty much dead even in fit, detail, and overall quality, but they like the Dragon kit more because it comes with figures. The Trumpeter kit is a little cheaper, though.
Dwight I got the Dragon Leopold and it’s worth it, especially if you can get it for $60! The Trumpeter is supposed to have MANY more parts, I don’t know how the actual detail will compare but I’m going to look at it when it comes out anyway. I might end up with both!! [:D]
There is supposed to be an aluminum barrel coming out soon for the Leopold also. I don’t know if it will fit both either so have to wait on that answer too.
As far as the Dragon goes, it is well detailed but of course could benefit from a p/e set I’m sure, but it looks good enough OOB to look good I think.
Eric, I just saw the aluminum barrel advertised at missionmodels.com on pre-order for $55!!
They have the Trumpeter listed for $124.56. Wonder why the disparity in the prices. Trumpeter cheeper everywhere else in the world, Dragon much cheeper in the US!!
Would love one myself, but the cost in NZD for the trumpeter is $200-$250 !!! Too red for my still novice blood!!
As for the kids, build a shelf out of reach, or clear some space on the bookcase!!
Ian, thanks for the tip. Actually the reason why I am asking for recommendations is that the price seems to be quite low as compared to that in the US and as you may have noticed. My problem right now is space. I am renting a small apartment and the construction of my own house (small one also) will start in a month or two depending on how I and my contractor can agree on the final cost. All book cases are filled right now, especially by showcase.
Anyway, I think I can have all the time I need to think about it. These kind of kits does’nt usually attract much attention and there are still four boxes in the hobby shop.
Well, I hope that the Trumpeteer Kit reaches our area. If this Dragon Kit cannot find any buyer, I am not sure if the hobby shop would bother getting the Trumpeteer.
Basically same with the Tamiya USS Enterprise. Been sitting on the hobby shop shelf for quite some time now. Not much buyer for kits of this size. Surprising though, the price tag is less than US$100.