WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP DML. thank's to all!

a ranting from a modeler. i would like DML to STOP naming there figures! like U.S. ARMY AIRBORNE (OPERATION VARSITY 1945) or DESPERATE DEFENSE KORSUN POCKET 1944. just to name some of them there list go’s on and on . as any modeler know’s putting a name on a german uniform is like . hunting an elephant with a pea shooter it just doesn’t work. anyone who look’s at reference’s of the german army from 42 on. knows that they wore what ever they had. and for the U.S. AIRBORNE was’nt there a little thing called normandy. oh yeh and what about operation market Garden. all i’m saying is most if not all of there kit’s can be used in different area’s of combat. not just what the maker’s of the kit’s say. and no i do love DML kit’s i buy them often.
so there is my little [2c]

The naming is probably more for ease of finding something rather than to specify a time frame they are modeled after. I find it easier to find something that has a name than searching for German troops 1943? Ya know what I mean?

welll…ummmm…you CAN use those figures for a variety of scenes…I mean…most people do exactly that…

I don’t think them labeling boxes a certain way FORCES you to build it for that particular theatre only.

Well giving the figures names like that sounds better than. “German troops: 1943 Release #26-a”.

it is used mostly for time frame

true the ger. were using everything they had in the later part of the war which means you can use ANY figure from the beginning on but you can’t use end of war figures at the beginning

so yes it is important for them to name them for a timeline reference

well no one will probable see this but anyway. i was trying to say is.when i would build a dio and use a DML fig kit some one would alway’s say is’nt that kit for normandy 44 or russia.43 it get’s a little nuttie sometime’s. when i never had that problem with tamiya. but i will say that tamiya dose not have as many kit’s as DML. but evan FSM did it to me on a dio that they put in there mag. so it get’s me a little nut’s sometime’s but thank’s to all who replied. it’s hard for me to get on this thing sometime’s to anser with a 4 year old 9 month and wife who was busted up reel bad in a motorcycle acc. in 95 and i lost a hip in the army. we’re a little busy. LOST A HIP. HAHAHA sound’s like i miss placed it.HAHA. anyway thank’s to FSM for your mag so we can have a place to have some fun.
thanks to all.