Would this be a crazy thing to try ?

So, I’m gonna go home tonight and stare at the 1/144 Heinkell He-111 I’ve got about 75% finished…in particular…the windscreen/nose canopy…

More precisely: the canopy frames. Which, because of the scale, are so small that they are barely visible in the plastic and hardly raise a bump.

I’m trying to figure out the best way to do this, as I really want this to turn out good. And I keep coming back to …crayons.

What if I can ‘scribe’ for lack of a better term, the canopy frames in with a crayon than maybe shoot a coat of glosscoat or future over it?

Anyone think that would work? I think masking it might make me go crazy.

Try something like bare metal. Paint it first and then apply it.

You might try rubber cement over the parts you want to mask. Let it dry and trim as needed.

What about white glue? Would putting Elmers White Glue on the parts I want to mask work you think?

I’ve got liquid mask, but it just doesn’t seem to work that great for me.

coloured elmers glue will work, but it tends not to go into right angles… And there’s plenty of them on that canopy! Very thin, prepainted strips of tape might work. A thin tape would be best of course (that’s why the bare metal tip above would work well).

Other than that, use a brush and clean up the mess when the paint is half-way dried with cocktail sticks.

Yah, I think I’m gonna have to make a major withdrawal from the ol’ Patience bank this weekend…

Try using some decal, paint it the right colour, then cut it into thin strips and apply to the canopy