A British m5a1 in an advanced Reccon role,winter of 44-45
A British m5a1 in an advanced Reccon role,winter of 44-45
Very nice. What did you use for the snow? Grout?
Great model. I can feel the cold burns off that tank.Glad I’m inside a nice centrally heated house.
Yes that is what I use for snow now,used to use white sand frozen in place with whiteglue/water mix.Thanks for the comments guys.
About time you got some stuff up here Russ! Really like the whitewash on the tank, all the streaking looks great!
hay russ really nice. snow is my next project hope i come close. is the snow baking soda? and by the way if you put your dio’s end to end i bet thay would go around the world[:D]
Yeah thought it was time to get these three on Kelly,haven`t done much of anything in the past 2wks but got the itch to get building real soon.
Hi Von,lookin forward to seeing your creation in white.
Hi Russ. Its always nice to see something from you. I see you took my advice and started using something else that makes your snow look white. This is an excellent dio. Your figures are looking pretty good. Question: Where is this tank reconning? In England? All I can say is “DAMN ITS COLD”. Keep up the great work
Looks great! The figs look good too!
Many thanks guys, Tiger II , it might as well be winter of 68 in Yugoslavia for all I know,I never seem to get dates or timelines right,lol,but well keep pluggin along,figures I
d get it wrong,sheesh!!
real nice
you must have a great fondness for the m3 and the m5 stuarts
me 2
Yes but not for any particular reason other than it being a small vehicle,one can add so much detail to bring it to life,specially if your doing say for example Monty`s command Kangaroo Stuart,they can be alot of fun to detail up!
The guy with the handgun is violating one of the basic rule of firearms safety in that he’s pointing his gun (all guns are loaded even when they’re not) at the guy with the map. Those posing of these two figures makes it look like the guy with the map in being taken prisoner (except for his Sten.)
Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Another great build! The weathering and whitewash are spot on!
Another great thing for snow is Bicarbonate of soda. It looks great and can be fixed down with hair spray. But don’t eat yellow snow . lol
Many thanks for the comments Gents,the paintjob on the tank was fun to do this being the second streaked winter camo and third whitewashed vehicle.AJ,I think the guy waving the pistol around finally blew his stack at the mapreader for gettin them lost and is about to shoot the poor bastard,LOL!
Great job on the diorama.
You are correct in your statement, however once long, long, ago on a range far far away I was witness to a Sgt. instructing another Sgt. in the firing of an M-72 LAW…With the rear of the weapon braced against his shoulder and the “instructing” Sgt’s head tucked directly behind in the danger area of the back blast.
Needless to say both numpties were immediately kicked off the range with quite the few chosen words from a third Sgt (Former Paratrooper and Pathfinder). Oh what a day.
Although thinking back on it now I doubt even the best of the CSI shows could duplicate the high-velocity spatter that would have resulted had he actually fired the weapon.
Remember folks…SAFETY! Guns are not toys!