Winter dio idea

Panzerguy dio got me think thinking of my up coming dio, this one easy and has a good point, basicly its something like this.

Simple base from art store (i’m going to airbrush it dark yellow, then add spray snow)

Basic plan.

Its dragon’s capture t-34 in german marking, with dragon pak 35 gun with crew, there mit be a german platoon telling the tank commander were the soviet are heading.

Already got the pak gun, but got to save money for the t-34, only proble is most of the figures aren’t in winter outfit, mabe like panzer guy I can cover them in wet tissue paper to blead them in a outfit.

And take a look at some photos I’ve took from the western canada model contest, there some great dio’s there.

Password: Ivanhoe, thanks for viewing.

What is your best solution simulating snow? cuz I used dry plaster powder ,but I am not satisfied with the result.

try woodland scenics snow

I’ve use a spray can solution that use for chrismas decoration, but since december nots for another 7 months, looks like woodland scenic snow will have to do.

What do you think of the dio idea? and what should go in that square, Something soviet abandont, i was thinking a rusted tractor, or a dead cavarly horse, or maybe a old wooded shack.

Maybe a MG pointed the other way. Something like this. And maybe have one wheel broken to give it more interest. Oh, and it doesn’t really make sense, IMO, to have infantry in FRONT of the tank. Infantry like cover. Also, a AT gun wouldn’t be right next to a tank.



Made alot of progress this month, alot on the dio.

First I had a idea of something soviet to fill in a spot and I think I know just what mit be…


How about a dead soviet cavalry with his horse as the tank drives by.

Pak 184(r) is just about done. but I don’t know if the winter scheme of the gun works.

and the main focal point, this bad boy.

Any comments.