Why so much tax on fsm orders?

I just ordered “Modeling Aircraft” and the tax on the order bit me in the behind. So to speak. My goodness!

Sorry. Didn’t really know where to post this.

That’s because the forums are not really the place to address this issue,the closest one would be Suggestions and Feedback,but you would really need to contact Kalmbach Customer Service for information about an order.

Really,sales tax rate is determined by what state you live in,not Kalmbach.

If you wanted to just vent about taxes or shipping,the see The Ready Room.

But hey,welcome aboard. [snWcm]

Welcome to the Forums!

According to our Department of Revenue (I live in WI), the state sales tax rate is between 5 and 5.6%, depending on the county. In addition, cities and municipalities can add on to that.

Kalmbach’s physical address is in Waukesha County, although I don’t know if that’s where they ship orders from.

You can check with WI DOR here:


Other states have higher sales tax rates, which you can research here:


If you are from one of the few states that don’t have a sales tax, then paying one could be a surprise.

Guys, your welcomes are 10 years behind. If we look at his avatar, we see that he joined the forum in November 2010.

Well at least we didn’t fall for a zombie post

But he does bring up an interesting side point, internet sales taxes. Traditionally, if an online purchase is made within one state, it is taxed at the standard rates within that state. My last couple purchases on eBay have been made out of state, yet have been taxed. That is new. Anybody here able to explain that?

States realized they were losing tax dollar revenues through the internet. Once upon a time, only a Texas resident had to pay state sales tax when they bought from Squadron Mail Order. Eventually other states changed their laws that these internet retailers had to collect state sales tax from the state of sale and the state being sold to.

So now, instead of paying state sales tax to one state, you’re often being charged sales tax to two different states, your state and the state the business is in.

Ouch! A double whammy! BOHICA. No thank you. I don’t mind paying taxes to where I do live. But to pay “local” taxes to a place that I’ve never been, nor likely will ever go… Almost makes you want to pay the higher base prices of the brick and mortar stores again.

I live in Kentucky, about 45 miles outside of Louisville, a fairly corrupt city. I pay nearly $1k in city taxes per year for the privilege of working there. Then the mayor can have Kentucky Derby parties that cost $100k. Or city councilmen can employ their imprisoned relatives. Nothing like paying the salary of someone in jail with taxpayer money.

Wow,so far ordering anything over the years in Jersey or Carolina,no one charged ever charged me two taxes on an order.

It will only show as one tax charge.

I shoulda read the “fine print”! [:(]

The sales tax issue came up a couple of years ago, when states realized they were losing tax dollars as their citizens made out of state purchases. You may remember that many online stores opposed it, but collecting sales taxes did become a reality. Most of the bigger outlets now do it, like Amazon. A lot of the smaller vendors don’t.

Wisconsin requires sales tax on any items bought out of state, and brought back into the state for use in Wisconsin. For the last several years, my accountant requires us to report any out-of-state purchases; the equivalent Wisconsin sales tax is then added onto my Wisconsin income tax liability.

Years ago, when I lived near Atlanta, I bought a car in Gwinnett County, Georgia; paid whatever sales tax was involved there. When I moved to Wisconsin, the Department of Motor Vehicles would not issue me a license for the car until I paid WI sales tax on it.


I hope it was of benefit to both states.

But I only 7% NC tax not 7% percent + another states rate

Not all states charge it, only some. Some states do not charge state sales tax, New Hampshire is one I know about. There are probably others.

Pennsylvania charges 6% sales tax but Pa sales tax was not collected till 2019 on Internet purchases. We had to estimate the tax owed on our Pa Income Tax in previous years. New law made all my purchases thru online stores more expensive. Only “good” thing… I have only been charged the standard 6% not the 8% that Philly residence must pay. (I’m in Philadelphia. We pay more because of our poor school system…)

