Interesting Question, Right?
I think so. I do know that back in the day I did it to pass the time. Didn’t matter if they had all the parts or not, ( usually, Fountain Rescues). Seems that it was harder than I thought to live by myself while Dad was on a trip out of town.
Well, We had a Policeman that lived down the street, he checked on me from time to time. Dad set up my meals with the local diner. What to do when homework was done? I could read( Went to the Library a lot) or watch T.V.
I bought at F.W.Woolworth a Comet E.Z. Flying Model Airplane. Shoot, it was only a Quarter and the Glue was also a quarter and Wow!Spent a whole fifty cents and had some fun. When I got almost done with it I thought it was funny.The real planes at the airport didn’t have those rough corners. So I got some Sandpaper and Shellac and finished it out to look more realistic.
Put some Pactra paint on it( F.W.Woolworth sold that too.) Seven Cents a bottle.( We’re not talking Testor’s square Bottle sized either, We’re talking Model Master Size)White wings and red Fuselage with two narrow black stripes cut from the instruction sheet on both sides. Clear Windshield area.
You know what? It flew fairly decent too! Only on windless days though! I wanted more. Well, the years went by and I did get more. High School, A Wife at Sixteen and models galore. She Liked to sit and watch me build them. Viet Nam was in the Future. We, as a couple, weathered Boot Camp and then she Paraded her newly graduated Sailor around to her friends.
Then Naval schools. No, She stayed and helped her grandfather with his store. Spare time for me. Sitting in the Rec. Center and building a model car. I had built some A.M.T Kits back home with Dad but they were basically Promos molded in White Styrene with Lotsa add on parts and decals. Never used either item.
When I got transfered to San Diego for Advanced damage Control School I was introduced to Revell I/25 model cars. I remember a kit from the fifties ( 1957 Ford Country Squire, Multi-Piece Body) These weren’t. 53,55,56,57 Chevies and all the doors and hoods and trunks opened and front wheels steered.
But boy, they were sure fragile! But, Then I discovered some old Victory at Sea sets from Revell. I had had them when I was bouncing around grandparents and foster homes after the usual Mom and Dad terminal Seperation/Divorce/Custody rules. The models helped me keep my head screwed on straight. Finding them at the Rec. Center was a trip down memory lane that piqued and renewed my interest in Floaty Thingies.
Well shoot! Between Service to my country in two different Uniforms and many years gone by. I found myself a Civilian again. Still Married to the original, and have two of three adopted Daughters. ( Got them from the Native American Reservations) One more in the paperwork stage . So? What does this Idjit do? I go to Sea!
Yeah, Worked my way up from Engineering to the Bridge. Left the company with a partial company retirement, and started my own business. What did I do those long days and weeks at sea? Built models. Ships mostly, and every Plastic Motoryacht I could get my greedy hands on.
Left the Company when I had to ride herd on my own. Played at being a business-man ( the Wifey really ran it.) I worked every position I could handle except Electrical and Plumbing. Still went home at sunset and weeekends to be with family
Built models and the girls watched, even when they were in their rocker cradle/carry device sitting on top of the file cabinet next to me. Built a few for friends and moved into the Design Phase of my proffession. Started doing Site models and Custom models on the side. Legal models came next. ( Computers hadn’t ruined it for the one man shop yet) Then Presentation pieces. Then Visual decorations( Still strictly in a known scale though) For Restaurants and Convention Centers.
Then Branched out to Marinas and Rental Boats to earn a living. Built Models of my employer’s boats at Clean Bay( we were under contract to them) Clean Seas and a few Museum Quality Restos. A set piece for a Model RailRoad Store. and many, many hand and machine carved, hand finished, period ski and cruise boats.
Now, I am 77yrs young( two heart attacks and various other things detrimantal to life and I am still here.). Gone through two wives turned Angels and I still Build Models. Ya Know Why? They are still fun and help me keep my head screwed on straight. Scratch-Building has become more fun too. More products available, P.E. Computer Printed and Resin as well as Evergreen and Plastruct.
Do I still enjoy it? You Bet. Sorry this was so long winded, but I had to complete the picture. I am in the progress of building H.M.Vs Card Model of the 1/250 Andrea Doria. Yes, as a child I was in the area as a Cabin Boy on my uncle’s fishing Boat, never got to fish that day. Also never stopped wanting a plastic model of the ships I saw that day. Never happened, so paper was and is, it!
Lastly, my friends, I never stop promoting Found materials models, never ever give up on those. There’s some nice model ships and boats hiding in that stuff!.