Why do you deserve a medal?

I went an entire week without coffee and din’t kill anybody.

I don’t.

Neither do I.

Deserve a medal that is. I still drink coffee. Just not from Starbucks.

For not sticking firecrackers inside every kit I’ve build while I have modelers block. It’s very irritating.

Maybe… and I say maybe… for working on a model kit while on a conference call while working from home. At least some street cred…lol

Nope. Just doing the best I can with what I’ve got. That applies to everything I do.

Jim [cptn]

Stay Safe.

If you think you deserve one you don’t.

Give the medal to my wife, she’s tolerated me for many years. Actually supports my model building hobby, often helping, as my old fingers no longer get along well with the smallest fiddly bits.

She’s learned to airbrush, does many of her own decorative antique restoration projects. TV seldom gets used now, a real bonus in our lives.


Now that puts it in perfect perspective.

Posted by goldhammer on Friday, May 8, 2020 5:59 PM


If you think you deserve one you don’t.

Now that puts it in perfect perspective.

I cannot say it better than that… amen brother!


Don’t want one…my need for external validation is almost non existant.

Did some of you really get this post so seriously [*-)]

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Because I still build Glencoe and Lindberg kits.

Now that’s funny. Actually Lindberg did some top notch car kits in the 90’s.

Go get a coffee C, your not yourself without caffine.[;)]


I still look at the ones from the Navy and the Corps. Why? I was just doing my job! For being an older person who tries NOT to be a crabby, smelly old person? Nah. That’s just Self Respect.

I have been fortunate with health and mental issues. So I will impart knowledge forward as long as I can. Do I deserve a medal? For putting up with the putz’s of this world maybe, Nah, I don’t have time .

What do you mean deserve,everyone gets a participation medal these days for everything so they don’t feel left out,so yes I will take my medal.

I agree, both Lindberg and Glencoe have put out gems. Lindberg had nice fifties vintage Fords and their JN-4 Jennie is a great kit. Glencoes Curtiss Condor airliner turned out great with only minor flash and fills.

It is just if you do not find out from others, you may pick a kit that is a dud- you take a chance.

Yeah for sure.

If you enter THOSE in a contest, and place or win, you surely deserve any awards or medals! [;)]

And ya know, sometimes those kits are still the only game in town. And are still fun to build! Let your inner Calvin loose!