
what is the best way to apply a whitewash camo on my new jumbo sherman?

take acrylic flat white and thin it down with water (practice on spare plastic to get your technique down)

I use white MIG pigment mixed with some water and apply with an old paint brush. The stuff will rub off easily if not sealed so it is easy to clean off or show wear.

I used a similar technique as rebel. I used MMP powders and alcohol. I just did it with this project:


the spotty nature of whitewash wear is difficult to do in my opinion. Some people have done great jobs (Adam Wilder and Mig Jimenez comes to mind).

nice work!

I myself use crushed white clauk mixed in with very little white paint to get my effect.This is a Valentine I did sometime ago.

As you can see the thicker the application the more mud and snow effect you can get from this technique.Digger

I spray the whole model white, and then dry brush the base camouflage colour over the white, very effective at showing how temporary whitewash was.

Try powdered pastel chalk, mixed with thinner or water, applied with large brush. let dry and brush off excess to reveal underlying colour.



After my base coat cures, I use Model Master white and a wide brush. I clean a good deal of the white out of the brush before letting it touch the surface, kind of like a heavy dry brush. This gives the worn in and crew applied look. The real stuff wears off pretty easy, so I go back over traffic areas with the base color, then begin the weathering process for mud ect that I may want to have. The thing to remember is that the wash is actually applied by the crew, it was never done to any high standard. They may have used a mop and bucket to get the job done.

I use white enamel,use a stuby brush and “stipple” the paint on.This will show some of the base colour also you can put it on thick or heavy. Hope this helps…Kenny.