White spirit... what´s this?

I´ve a doubt, what is white spirit? A solvent of course, but which solvent ? Here in Brazil nobody knows what is this…[:(]

I believe it’s also called “mineral spirits”

Up here in the pacific north west we have white gas!
Its used as lantern fuel and will destroy a model in a heart beat.
I think Ray is right.
It is just standard paint thinner.

White spirit is actually a refined form of turpentine. You need white spirit to thin Testors Glosscote, Satincote, and Dullcote, as well as X-tra Color paints. I’ve tried normal turpentine on these paints but the X-tra color tended to go a little grainy and the Glosscote didn’t really dry.
I didn’t have these problems with these products when I used white spirit as a thinner.

Thank´s Lee and everybody…I´ll try to use some thinner as a solvent for satin cote…
Hey Lee, I don´t forget , I´ll send to you the $5,00, the tire and the wheel… take easy man…

I was wondering if you’d forgotten - no problems - just send it when you find the time.

I think it is just “diluente”
they call it white spirits
um abraço

Thank´s Lito…

Here in Brazil, we have…some “diluentes” (solvents)…Turpentine, Thinner, Alcool Isopropílico, Acetona, Aguarraz…but I´ve never seen white spirit…maybe in artist emporium I find it…