Which Panzer gray is it?

im trying to purchase some panzer gray paint, but I cant find the right ones. Theirs so many grau’s.

Which one do i need for the Kampwagen ausf cD? or just for most of them that color.

I think Tamiya’s German grey is a good equivalent. If I’m wrong, someone will correct me.

I always used Tamiya German Gray as well and looks fine to me. However, I’m in transition to Model Master and Vallejo paints and I haven’t figured out which paint is which for these two brands.

model master enamels its called Panzer gray, but I cant find it anywhere. thats why i was wondering what else it is, called.

Tamiya is quite good, Valejo air is nicer to spray, but is a bit too light (in color that is) imho.

Jan [:)]

Model Master Acryl’s is called Schwartzgrau.

of course this is just my thought but due to the facts that

1 the few color photos that are avail. are faded

2 the tanks in the museums are either very worn original paint or repaint wrong colors

i say any of the colors called panzer gray will be ok but…

i think it very important that you use the same brand/color on all you ger armor

model master RAL 7021-- stock # 2094 in enamel or acryl— good for 1939 to '43— treadwell[:P]

Anything that comes close will work. Field conditions, sunfade, maintenance, paint lots all make a difference. Photos show it being anything from almost black to a faded blue grey.

I’ve always used Tamiya German grey with a touch of field blue. I’ll add in some lighter grey and then do a light mist coat over the upper surfaces to replicate sunfade.