I am current own a A270 aztek airbrush and it seems cannot paint tank’s camo. because the paint dont go accurately in small detail work. I would like to buy a new airbrush of aztek but money was tight, is there any good comment? I think of a320 or a 430 or 470. I just wounder what is the difference of a470 and a430 airbrush??? Please help me an airbrush newbie. Thanks!!!
I have a A320, single action, internal mix, pretty good to me. A friend of mine has a A470 but it seems to be tricky to use so he’s disabled the paint flow control wich makes it behave like a A320. I have tan (fine) and gray (genearl purpose) nozzles, I build 1/48 and 1/35 and that’s perfect for me. The price/skill step from A320 to A430 is significant and as I mentioned you need a lot of practice to get control of double action. So I would recommend you a A320.
I recently bought a A403 which is the same as the A407 except for a control that limits the amount of paint you can release.
I can get lines down to 1mm using the fine (tan) nozzle. I am new to airbrushing myself and have only completed one model with my A430 (Tamiya Sdkfz 251 /D) and I was able to paint a pretty good camo.
I’ll be getting a digital camera in the next few and can send you some photos if you want. Let me know. (or I migh just post them here)
I don’t own one but everything I’ve read says that the A-470 is the way to go. They make a metal version of this called the A7778 which is a metal with chrome plating version of the 470. People seem to like them and I’ve seen some work by them which is excellent.
Good luck
430 is an Double action air-brush this mean you must control air and paint flow at same time (its really requires some dexerity and experience), however A470 is an Hybrid Airbrush which you can use as an double action and single action , this mean A470 = A430 + A320 ,
i am using A470 Contempo and its really good airbrush youn can start as an single action but in future u can use an Double action as well.
I dont have an airbrush yet, im afraid of getting the wrong one and regreting spending all the money on something ill want to replace with a better model,ty xenon for that info on the S470 = A430 + A320, I guess that means that is a good brush with the future in mind. I may get one but I want to know what im getting into first,lol.