where's the box art?

Well it arrived. My spanking new Avenger from Squadron. Been waiting all week. But alas, no box art. That is one of my favorite things in the hobby is collecting the art. Any body else want to chime in?

I have fond memories of the old…ish Heller boxes with the dramatic drawings of Francis Bergese. That drawing he did for the Canadair CL-215 is simply out of this world…

is that an Accurate Miniature Avenger, nsclccti? The one i got didnt have any box art either. Hey, did you get out to BlueGrass Airport to see the B-17 and the B-24? I am going up tomorrow. Was going today, but didnt get out rehab until later than i thought/

If you have access to USENET newsgroups, keep an eye out in either alt.binaries.pictures.misc or alt.binaries.pictures.aviation for the “Air Combat Art” series. Periodically reposted about every 3-6 months, it consists of about 2K images that cover the full range of subjects from pre-WWI to modern day, all services, most countries.

Will Dossel
Last of the Steeljaws (VAW-122)

A kit without boxart is a bit [:(] but then again boxart without the kit would be [xx(] put the two together and [:D] ! you may already visit or contribute but if not another site to check out is…


If you get ’ mmm sorry cant find ’ click - MSN groups home -
(& click BOXART on the list to the left )

Hey all,
My local hobby shop still has a few remaining Avengers by Accurate that are still boxed and yes it has the box art!!.
Come to think of it, when AM came out w/ there double kit feature of the Avenger, it was only a side profile drawing of the bird.
I guess you can say that thats their way of saving some $$ by not having any box art.
I hope this is not going to be a continuing trend w/ other mfgs?.
Flaps up, Mike

It takes weeks to do decent box art ( I am looking at the Showtime box cover in a frame over my workbench) and it takes 1/500th of a second to take a photograph of a finished kit,
economy is necessary in every industry nowadays ,but at least the Hasegawa 190-d9 had some nice art on the box