Where oh; Where is that battlestar!......... A Idea or challenge?

Hello guys!!!

OK, I I have read the Battlestar links and post this week and i have a Challenge !..

  1. if the fleet was all but destroyied , then why Did the Pegasus survive?
  2. Ir the Cylons were after the Galatica. why was the Pegasus left to fight
    on her one with out reinforcemnets? by the cylons?
  3. If the colonial Home Worlds were destoried. and ? left for dead ?
    Who do we know thier might be survivers, Millitary , private , and some
    institions the would / or could have survived?

With the Fight to survive and the other Races in the universe like the
Hattari who’s to say they was / were not some races that could of or DID come to the assitance of the humans?..

So Challence to you … kit bashers , scratch builders… and Sci Fi Masters…

If the fleet was destoried and the 1978 special effects were new at the time … but as we know Sp effects are not the beginning and end of true
Sci fi…

Then here is the challenge …

if the battlestars were destroied , and there were other survivers , and the other kneibhors came to help… the cylons were being destracted by Galatica Comder Cain, and Baltatrs … ill advices .


Kit bashers … modelers … Sci Fi Masters…

FANS… I submit that a NEW Battlestar …NOT the remake GOOD aS She looks… and like i said befor in another post I WANT THAT MODEL OF THE NEW REMAKE SO I CAN RESTORE HER TO THE 1978 MODEL CLASS

So… I would like to hear. and feed back and ideas…
Honestly yesterday iwas model hopeing ( Store Rounds) and i just picked up a Sci fi model , then opened it and realised that a new better?.. or rebuilt battlestar could have come back to life… from the asshes…
Now a name WE ALL must agree appon… for the new battle star …

if you don’t know me well look at the last posts’ but Honner and Glory to the new challenge !..
if some out thier believes in this . I look forward to your reply…

Sciencerly , nfpa1002 , Comander of the new fleet…

well i guess this is not much of a topic. but i did find some sites that help in my desire to challenge any one to come up with the idea of a second front on the cylon war.

This one, is a totoal scratch build …

or: ship of the colonial fleet

this one is the best for the 4 landing bays…

well i hope some one out thier is see this . but i never was one to follow the croud. good modeleing to everone.


Who woulda thought,3 dead links in a row[xx(]

If I remember right, the Pegasas was out on a far patrol or somesuch at the time of the cylon attack.

The Cylons had subjugated a large number of the other races so there weren’t many left, if any, with the ability to stand up to them

Here’s the corrected link for one of em. Kinda neat.

I think what NFPA is trying to say is, if the fleet were destroyed, but there were survivors in the colonies, what could they have rebuilt from the remnants of the destroyed battlestars while the Cylons were distracted by chasing the Galactica? Interesting prospect.


Interesting design.

sorry fixing it .

thanks for the help Cobrahistorian! and puting it simple Yes.
these are the fixed address:

Seven ships


this one looks the best.
now some one i lost track of said 4 landing bays. I think these two site s/b them. they look very nice.

Now for me to keep it simple… I will be making a rebuild battlestar .

“Using two primay models the Galatica and a ? model i do not want to share yet”

I feal that this concept and idea to take the left overs and make a battelstar to help out oin the fight would be nice. “thats all”.

Since no one found ; What i had been looking for for Sooooooo long.
I found it myself… but, I am not talking bad about any one .
I know it is some times difficult to get my kind of ideas. espically Sci-fi.
So… if these links work and they can be uesd by my idea. I hope those BSG fans can get some nice ideas. to make a rebuilt Battlestar .

sciencerly yours, nfpa

this is NOT working , sorry . nfpa.


my favorits it’s listed as:
Ships of the colonial fleet.

i am out of this topic . best of luck to ya. nfpa

ya know ; if the doctor could not control his tardis.
This subject feals like a “type 40 time capsule”.
I may never get back home [banghead]

ok I made a booo booo !
i have two post on this topic.
the other have the corrected address posted today .
i wish to thank and say sorry for the frustration. with me and this topic.
But, cobraihistorian : has it right .
"taking the remnants of the debris field of the battlestars "

so thanks to everyone who posted thier comments:

To: Cobrahistorian,model museum , redbird1 ,
shrugger ( for the 3 dead links …other post has the corrected links.)
Iodin_K, and Cobywon

If you all , have the patiance on this subject then thank you all very much , if it’s out of left fireld then sorry no go…

Sorry , i made some mistakes they are fixed now . NFPA

as for the Pegasas i will not debate you but i think they headed out for deep space when the battle started…?..