How many of you remember your first kit? Mine was a Revell 1/48 P-40. No paint, crooked decals, onlyone wheel would turn, and the wings were so crooked, it looked like a Picasso-designed airplane. I still have it…
My first model was an aircraft carrier. I was so proud of myself, it only took me two hours to complete it. All the planes were painted silver. I was about 14 years old, and my Nana bought it for me to keep me quiet and out of trouble for a couple of hours. Nana passed on in 1996. My Nana left me that paint stained table that I made that kit on
First plastic model for me was an Aurora Me-109. This was back in early 50’s. The local five and ten cent store had a small hobby dept. , and my buddies and I bought and built every plastic airplane kit they kept in stock.
My first a/c was a 1/32 P-51B by Revell I think. I painted it in aSEA scheme w/ teeth. I still have it. Man that goes back now 18yrs or so.
How time flys when your having fun…!!! Flaps up,Mike
I guess it’s never to late to start. I’m 53 and started last year with a balsa model and now have moved on to plastic. I’ve done a P51, a Catalina PBY and I’m working on F-15E now. Still lots to learn but it’s been a lot of fun and very relaxing.
m y very first model that i was to young for was a like1/8 scale street rod,by Aurora that everything worked on and it had wiring and all kinds of stuff,but I destroyed it before compleation.Then I moved on to bird models . I was able to finish a perfect robin redbrest.I don’t remember who manufactured them,does anyone out there remember the bird models?
Ah memories! The year was 1975 and the kit was an Aurora PBY Catalina. To day I build 1/72 fighters, but love to collect old flying boat kits and other old A/C kits. I had the PBY for 20 years and used it to test my airbrush. I’m so ashamed, but I did love that plane. Best regards Woody
Back in the 80’s, exactly in 1982
21 years on this BUSSINES!!
…and it was the Blue Devil Fletcher Class Destroyer 1/25 HUGE!!!
Haha! My first one was an unpainted ARII(Otaki) Spitfire in the 1/48 scale in the year 1997. Though I still struggle with putty and sanding I can safely say I have come a long way from my first two kits(the spitfire and the Bf109E) and only my love for airplanes and the joy of putting aircraft together keeps me going.
I built a 1/72 scale Focke Wulf 189 from FROG back in 1973, and boy was it a beaut! It didn’t take long to build and paint and it showed. The canopy was clouded due to excess amounts of glue as well as sink marks on the fuselage where too much glue had dripped downwards from the canopy…[:p] Oh, and the glue fingerprints…the wings looked like a police report.
I started “modeling” when I was about 9 or 10. My first actual model was some time earlier (a Monogram 1955 (?) Chevy), but I really started out in the hobby at the time when my Dad got back into it.
He had built mostly cars up until the late 70’s or early 80’s. He got back into it after a short hiatus when he started working on some kits of airplanes & spacecraft for which the company he worked for made components. One of the first of these that I recall being completed was the Revell 1/72 Space Shuttle. Another was a Monogram 1/48 F-4J.
My first “serious” model as a kid was a 1/72 P-51B. Some others were: Revell 1/32 F4F, Monogram 1/48 P-40’s (MANY of them! After all, I’m Mr.P-40! [:p]) and too many others to mention. I kinda miss those days of simple model building, without worrying too much about accuracy and such.
So, I guess I’ve been building for right around 20 years. Seriously for only slightly less. As a Junior member of our club, I grasped the concept of “serious” model building when I was about 11 or 12. From that time until now, I have never built a model without some sort of research to go along with it. I dunno if that’s a good or a bad thing! [:p]
Fade to Black…
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . [:D]
I must have been around 10 or 11, and I think my first kit was the old Aurora Seaview, which I DO remember cost 69 cents.
I remember being upset because I couldn’t afford the Flying Sub, which was a dollar! (Allowance only went so far!)
I built my first kit when my Cub Scout pack went to the post hobby shop at Ft. Buckner, Okinawa, for a meeting. I got an Aurora SNJ trainer. It was the most amazing thing this then-6-year-old had ever seen. Build the Revell F-11 Tiger next. That was in 1959. I built my first serious a/c a few years later: Revell’s Memphis Belle kit. I have one of each stashed away for rainy days when I just want to daydream awhile … -Ed
My first kit/s…well I did built these Japanese kits packed with a chewing gum. That when I was 9 or 10 years old (1982 or 83). Since all the writings were in Japanese, I couldn’t figure out who made it and what scale. The plastic quality was different from today. Possibly it was intended as an expendable snap-tie kit. It was quite detailed but didn’t paint. The subject I cannot remember exactly but I possibly built 2 USS New Jersey or Iowa, 1 UH-60? and Dassault Super Etendard. The scale could be 1/72 for the aircraft and 1/700 for the ships, I guess. Well the kits were history. Now I’am almost 30 years old. As long as I can remember the models were virtually destroyed by my younger brother when I was away furthering my study at university. The only remnant of it was part of the wing of Super Etendard. The reasons of building the kits…you can eat while assembling. Maybe someone from Japan can enlight me on this.
I was about five years old, so that would put it around 1959. There was the usual late teenage years hiatus. I picked it up again when I was about 22. haven’t looked back…
Ahhh, memories…
I recall my first being a Matchbox 1/72 Saab Viggen, around the mid 70s. Reading through the string above brought back memories of the disasters on this one. They seemed OK at the time. Boybuddho’s mention of fingerprints… oh yes!! I know that too well. The Viggen was covered in them. Decals. Didn’t think they would stick too well on their own after soaking in water, so intelligent me applied some additional ‘glue’ for insurance. Only it was plastic cement. What a mess. And the canopy was all fogged up. Canopies on all the others since the Viggen fogged up too. Remember thinking that those manufacturers must be real dumb aes for making stuff that fog up so easily. Then I read ‘Hints & Tips for Plastic Modelling’ in 1980 (anyone remember that book with the orange colored cover?). Found out about using white glue. Boy, guess it was me who was the dumb a after all.
Reading all your posts really brought a big grin. The early days sure were fun…didn’t bother too much about getting everything right, and what was important was getting that model ready to zoom all round the house!
My first was the U.S.S Enterprise from Stat Trek back in 1968. Went from there to airplanes, helicopters,cars, ships. Pretty much left the hobby in early hood, except for a occasional car. Got back into the hobby in the summer of 1992 after seeing the June issue of Scale Auto Enthusiast with a yellow 66 Ford Fairlane on the cover. The rest is history. Noe I build mostly cars, and helicopters with a occasional W.W.II fighter thrown in.
I can’t remember that far back, but I do recall taking a small F-102 model to show and tell in Kindergarten. That would be 1962, and I can’t imaging what make the kit was. Aurora? Revell? It was pretty small, even to a 5-year-old me, so I’m guessing 1/144 scale or thereabouts. I also remember coming home from Two Guys with a Revell X-15 model the same time we got our first color TV.