Hi guys I’m planning on making a diarama with a dirt road and on both sides I want to have a wheat field. What’s the easiest way of making the wheat?
Thanks guys.[:D]
maybe find some old horse hair brushes and bury them bristles up??? other than that it’ll be a chore to “plant” it. Lots o work!!
I’ve used tan paint brush bristles. That was on a 1/72 scale dio. I just cut them off and glued them on the base, then you can trim them to the size you want.
Hi T-34,
Dont know if this topic is too old to matter anymore, but you might try hemp rope. Unbraid the rope, cut it to the proper lenth, drill holes in your base in the pattern you want, put a bit of white glue in the hole and “plant” the rope. Just use your fingers or a toothpick or something to seperate the rope strands abit. If you double the rope pieces over before putting them in the hole, it can also makes nice looking bushy type vegitation.
If your still looking for help, I did a field that you might want to take a look at. I used store bought field grass from Hobby Lobby and made the field for my “Alien Camp”.
I took several strands of grass and using a forked tool I made from a piece sprue, I “punched” the bundle into a base of styrafoam (sp?) I was pleased with the results.
I don’t get to this forum too often so if you have any questions, let me know through e-mail.
I hope this link works. If not, go to digitaldioramas.com and and check out there galley. Look for Paraclete’s projects. http://groups.msn.com/digitaldioramas/paracletesprojects.msnw