I swear the M-36 wasn’t there the last time I voted…??? Now I see it there in the list. Can I vote again?
Your right Dwight, J-Hulk added The M-36 and the M-18 later on. You’ll have to check with J-Hulk on the game rules. [;)]
“It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it.”-R.E.Lee
J-Hulk, You’ve spent too much time speaking Japanese. You forget how to read English[}:)][:D].
By the way I can’t help but wonder if you’re Japanese has a Georgia southern drawl in it? If so can the locals understand you???[:D][:D][:D]
Dwight, vote all ya want! No rules! The ethics I leave to the individual. This is all just for fun, anyway, so if ya wanna stuff the ballot box for candidate Jackson, go right ahead! I guess I should close voting at some point though, eh?
Tim, although I am a good ol’ stump-pullin’ boy from the swamps of southern Georgia, I was born in Florida, and raised in California and Michigan, so my ENGLISH doesn’t even have a Southern drawl!
You’re right, though…my English is slipping, slowly but surely…
J-Hulk, I was born and raised in Michigan. But I spent most of my 9 years in the Navy stationed in Norfolk, VA. Due to that I have been accused of having a southern accent myself. I can tell you for a fact my Wife, kids, and myself are about the only people in Michigan that refuse to call “soda”-“pop”. Half the time people look at use like were crazy or something. But it will forever be “soda” to me.
I know what ya mean!
“Ya’ll” is an indelible part of my vocabulary!
Mine too!
And sometimes, just sometimes, once in a long while, when I’m tired and my guard is down, I have caught myself pronouncing the word “power” as “par.”
Ya got me there. I’ve got too much yankee in me to do that.[:p][:o)][:D]
J-Hulk, ya cain’t take the Suthrin out of a Suthriner. Ya’ll know that!
Aint thet suposed to be “Y’all cain’t take the Suthrin ot’n a Suthriner. Y’all know that!”
We shorely do!
i like the hetzer myself… it reminds me of those scarabs in “The
Mummy”, little but lethal. [}:)]
I wonder if they’d crunch if you stepped on them, too!
And that’s that!
The votes are in, and as you can see, the Jagdpanther takes the prize with 32% of the vote, followed by all-Allied 2nd and 3rd place finishes, with the M-10/Achilles grabbing 18% of the vote and the M-18 Hellcat with 12%.
Surprisingly (for me, anyway!) the Jagdtiger (my personal fave) and Hetzer tied for 4th place with 9% of the vote.
I reckon the Soviet tank destroyers didn’t fare so well because they’re not really tank destroyers!
Anyway, polls are fun, so let’s have some more, folks!