What's the ultimate WWII 1/32 kit

Ok, I’m feverishly working on a couple of my 1/48 scale kits and hope to have them done soon, but I am already thinking about my next big project. I’d like to build a really nice 1/32 scale kit. What are some recommendations for a killer 1/32 WWII kit. Tamiya’s Zero? Hasewgawa Me-109G? Hasegawa FW 190 A8? Tamiya ??? Which version is the best, the A3 kit or the A8 etc. as I know some are older and not as good, some of the new ones are really good, but which ones. I’d like to buy all of them, but if I have to narrow down to one, which should it be… hmmmmmmmm.

Trumpeter just came out with a 1/32 scale ME-262 that looks pretty sweet and it is the cover model of a recent issue of FSM.

The Tamiya 1/32 Zero is absolutely phenomenal.

And I might be star-struck because I just got it, but Hasegawa’s new 1/32 Ju-87G1/2 Stuka is also amazing!

I guess it really depends more on what subject you want to build.

I’m into just about every WWII aircraft that there is so I’m really just looking for a newer kit that’s fantastic out of the box, is a good build, reasonably accurate and has the potential to be a stunning model when it’s finished. There are so many kits out there and I can’t tell old from new etc. I’m hoping to get some inspiration from everyones suggestions. :slight_smile:

I don’t build many 1/32 kits, but I did complete the Hasegawa 1/32 Frank a few weeks ago & I’m presently finishing up on the Hasegawa 1/32 Fw190A-8. They are both excellent kits & fun builds, but I haven’t built enough 1/32 to make a judgement on the “Ultimate” kit.

Regards, Rick

I have done Hasegawa’s Bf-109G-6 and their Fw190D-9 which are really nice. The 190 needs some rivit detail added if you want to get nitpicky and also the cowl on it is a little off in shape. Eagle Editions makes an excellent replacement (and a fabulous cockpit) for it. The 109 is also great, but is lacking the battery box. All in all the fit is fantastic on both of these, as well as Hase’s Bf190K and other G variants (which includes Revell Pro-Modelers Bf109G-2 rebox). Hasegawa also makes an Fw190A-8 which I have, but have not started.

I have also done the Trumpeter F4U-1D which is a decent kit, but has a lot of fiddly PE parts for flaps and such. Still, it can be built into an impressive Corsair.

The 1/32 He-162 Salamander might be a ‘cool’ kit, it certainly has a unique “look.” It also would have a nice compact size, too. Hmm, I’m not recalling a review of the kit–which is a problem with my recall, not the reviewing process.

The one I want to get is the A-7D, I jsut have not figured out how I’m financing quite that much <tired, impoverished, grin> (impoverishment not ending with the kit, but continuing into cockpit extras, ordinance & its racks, etc.)

Now, and older kit that builds up into a pretty nice kit is the old Hasegewa TA-4 FAC kit, which is likely really hard to find, what with having soem very hard to find 1/32 “bits” like a MER and the Mk 81s hanging from it.

The Hasegawa bipes can all make nice subjects in 1/32. All of them can be quite colorful, and there’s plenty of room to “fuss” with things, and the rigging tends to be a straightforward as your eyesight and patience will allow .

Edit to add: Oops, clean forgot to limit myself to WWII, mea culpa.

The RoG Salamander is one I forgot about. I haven’t built one, bt Hyperscale gave it a favorable review


Have you considered the 1/32 Trumpeter P-38? It offers a lot of detail, PE, rubber tires, etc. The fit it nice, especially considering how many parts are involved, and you can pick it up reasonably when on sale. It’s not a quick and easy build, but it’s enjoyable all the same. The only realy complaint I have is that the engines are quite detailed, but get completely enclosed. If you wanted to open up some acess panels, it would truly be a stunning display.

Revell Beaufighter.

The Trumpeter 1/32 Wilcat is a great kit as long as you get past the pe wing hinges and control surfaces.I had a little trouble with them but when i got them in place they worked very well.

It’s kind of hard to go wrong with any modern 1/32 kit. Hasegawa’s retooled Fw-190, the Me-109G series, the Frank, and (I hear) the Ju-87 are all fantastic. The older Fw-190 isn’t a bad kit, but it is somewhat outclassed by the new one. Though I wish they’d include an engine in the new kits.

Tamiya’s Zero is amazing. It has working landing gear, but they also went to great strides to make it non-toylike. The interior from the pilot’s seat on forward is duplicated in exact detail.

Revell Germany’s He-162 is right up there with Tamigawa in quality.

Most of Trumpeter’s 1/32 kits are very good. The TBF is essentially an upscaling of the Accurate Miniatures kit with more detail added. The Me-262 is going to push the Hasegawa kit off the market. It has two complete engines and detailed gunbay. Open up everything and let all that detail show. The P-38 is also an outstanding kit, but for one flaw. The engines are works of art with all the plumbing to the turbos, etc. However, there is no way to show those engines off without cutting up the kit.

I build 1/48, 1/32, and 1/24. I like the bigger kits because of the detail you can get in the bigger kits. I’m a little disappointed in the latest Hasegawa 1/32 kits because only the Frank has good engine detail. They are fantastic kits for fit, surface detail, cockpit detail, etc., but they are really just scaled up 1/48 kits. I’ve seen pictures of the new Ju-87 and it looks like the parts design is identical to the 1/48 kit, which is terrific in 1/48, but I expect more for a 1/32 kit.

Every other kit maker who is doing 1/32 kits has included the engines, except the Trumpeter MiG-3. Even if you can’t see anything when you’re done. Of course the Tamiya and Trumpeter kits cost more than the Hasegawa kits, and the Revell He-162 is of a fairly simple aircraft.

Anyway, that’s my opinion, for what it’s worth.


If I had to put in my [2c] I’d nominate Trumpeter’s 1/32 scale Avneger. Only because it’s one of my favorite planes.

I’d have to say i’m very fond of Hasegawa’s 1/32 scale line. They are nice kits and go together well. but for the ultimate…I would have to go with the brand new Trumpeter 1/32 Me-262. As long as the kits are from Tamiya, Hasegawa, or Trumpeter you will not be let down at all. These manufactures really know how to make a kit. I usaully model in 1/32 scale any and I’ve only built a few but the sure take the cake!

Have fun and chose your favorite aircraft. You can’t miss out!

that’s my [2c] [:P]


Seeing their upcoming products, Trumpeter has announced a 1/32 Dauntless and Devastator for this year-- I would vote for the Dauntless…I hope they do it justice!

Thanks for all the input gentlemen. After hearing about all the great 1/32 kits out there I think I’m going to wind up building a bunch of them.

As a kid I remember making the old 1/32 Revell Me 109G which was the pride of my collection. So I went out and bought the Hasegawa 1/32 ME 109 G-6. I’m a huge fan of Gunther Rall, so I’m going to model mine after the one he flew in 1943 which fortunately is one of the options included in the kit.

Eventually I want to do the Hasegawa D-9 and the Trumpeter Me 262 and the FW190 A8. I’m also very intrigued by the news of the upcoming Trumpeter 1/32 release of the Dauntless, that’s going to be a must have, as long as the kit does this plane justice. :slight_smile:

I only have to say one more thing. With the 1/32 hasegawa Fw-190A-8, the cockpit is incorect. I heard that it was actully a close replica of the D-9 cockpit. SO if you do intend on making the A-8 you’ll need to get a replacement if your that picky on detail. Some of us other modelers want as close as possible.[:P] .5 of a milameter! Now that would be a bit much…


I would have to go with Quagmyre here. That thing would stand out big (pun intended) time cuz of it’s size alone.

[2c] also,
