Whats in your Pile?

Just a curiosity type thing here. I’m just curious about whats in your todo pile. I have about two hundred kits but this is the top ten on the stack.
1/48 Monogram Typhoon
1/48 Monogram P-61
1/48 Monogram F-86D
1/48 Pro Modeler SB2C-5
1/48 Revell B-17F Memphis Belle
1/48 Monogram He 111
1/72 Hasegawa F/A-18A ‘CAG Bird’
1/48 Minicraft Piper Cherokee 140 (actually four of them!)
1/48 Monogram P-51D
1/72 AMT KC-135A

Just kinda curious about what I might expect to see in the future.

Well I have no where near 200 like yours [:(] but here ya go.

1/32 Hasegawa High Grade Series OA-4M Skyhawk ( best kit of a scooter ever made IMHO)
1/48 Monogram OA-4M Skyhawk( under construction)
1/72 Italeri A-6E Intruder (under constuction)
1/48 Testors OV-10 Broncho
1/48 Hasegawa AV-8B Desert Harrier
1/48 Hasegawa AV8B Harrier II plus
1/48 Academy AH-64 Apache
1/48 Revell F-15E Strike Eagle (looks like it is really 1/32 than a 1/48 kit).
1/350 Tamiya USS Missouri
1/700 Hasegawa USS South Dakota
1/700 Hasegawa USS Alabama
1/35 Tamiya M1A1 Abrams( it was a gift I never turn a free kit away).

Not as impressive as some lists I have seen, but I working on it as hard as I can get away with[;)]

Here’s what’s currently in the queue:

Direct Link

There’s a few others floating around, but these are most of the ‘serious’ projects.

The Tamiya P-51D is already ‘finished’, I just have to add a few last things to it.

The Tamiya Spit and P-51B are testbeds; got them when they were already started, so they’ll get slapped together and sent off to join the 914th MFTTU. (Model Finishing Technique Testing Unit)

The Tamiya MiG and the Eduard Tempest and Yak are all started, each with major sub-assemblies finished; I’ve just stalled on them out of boredom.

The ICM MiG-3 is also a ways along. That was a ‘bet’ model which was supposed to be finished by our show this past April. I lost the bet, obviously…

The Hasegawa Jug is part of a now defunct ‘Common Kit’, which is our local version of the group builds here on FSM. The ‘Common Kit’ has been around for much, much longer; longer than FSM has been in publication as a matter of fact. It’s also part of the reason why I never join in on the group builds. I’ve only endeavoured to join one of them, and dropped out of it fairly quickly. But we’ve decided to cancel all the current CK’s here, so maybe I can actually get in on a group build. (RIIIIIGHT!!!)

Speaking of… that braille scale ProModeler 109 is the kit I was gonna do for that aforementioned group build. Got as far as dry-fitting and researching a subject and that was it…

The other three braille scale kits aren’t really in the queue, they’re just there because they fit nicely into that spot! LOL The Hasegawa 190 and 109 will be a couple of major projects. The Trumpeter Hawk will be as well, although I’d like to get another. This one came from a friend who started it and then got bored, as he usually does, and then gave it away. I was just lucky that it was my turn! (Although my being Mr.P-40 had something to do with it, I think…)

The DML and MPM 190’s are going to be a kitbash. The MPM Fw 190S was based on the DML/Dragon kit and since I have a surplus of DML 190’s, I decided to see what I could do with 'em. (I don’t seem to build a whole lot anymore but when I do, I very rarely take the easy way out…)

And, yes, you do see some targets there on the right. Things with wings are only my specialty. If it blew stuff up between 1930 and 1955, I’ll build it…

Last, but certainly not least, is the 1/144 Minicraft DC-3. My Dad started that one and never did finish it. He really liked the Gooney Bird and really liked small scale models, so even though it’s not my usual bag I’m going to finish it for him…

Almost forgot! It’s not an airplane, but I have a couple Mclaren M8’s which I have to build for the boys at AM. I can’t delay that one any longer…

Fade to Black…

Well, I try to never count the number of kits in my to-do pile. That might prohibit me from buying new ones [:D]. I’d guess there’s between 50 and 100 that are still in the box or partially started. The ones on top of the pile are:
-MPM XP-55 in 1/72 (about half way done)
-Dragon YF-23, also 1/72 (decaling tomorrow)
-Italeri Crusader III tank 4 the backwards build (hull and turret glued)
The rest is in 1/48:
-Hasegawa F-15E (decaling was underway but halted)
-Tamiya Beaufighter (as good as done, adding fuse wires to the rockets)
-Hasegawa F-16A Plus in special KLu colors (airbrushing)
-Monogram F-105F (construction almost done, but need new decals)
-Revell Type VII uboat (1/125, the old one), half way done
-Revell Ekranoplan (1/144)
-Revell Airbus Beluga (1/144), needs another coat of paint and a stand
-Trumpeter F-107A (1/72)
-Monogram A-10 with Verlinden detail set (needs new decals)
etc, etc, etc[:O]
The good news is that we’re moving to a bigger place in september, so I may actually have a little room to put these kits when they’re ready. Still don’t know what to do with the B-1, or the B-36, or the C-130H, or… [xx(][:D]

See the list below

I’m not as lucky as the rest of you. I only have 4 kits in my pile. I am doing a Tamiya 1/48 scale P-47D razorback at the moment, here is the rest of my measly pile:

  • 1/48 Tamiya Mk.XXI Beaufighter for the Aussie GB,
  • 1/48 Academy P-47D ‘Bubbletop’,
  • 1/400 Academy Titanic,

I hope to add to this collection but the funds are a bit tight at the moment. Any donations of kits would be greatly appreciated…[(-D] only joking.

Aircraft wise… I have:

1/48 A-10 (Revell)
1/48 F/A-18 (Revell)
1/48 Su-27 (Mini Hobby)
1/144 B-1A (Mini Hobby, mostly finished…)
1/144 F-15x2 (Mini Hobby + Mini Craft, Mini Craft one missing parts >.<)
1/144 F-16XL (Mini Hobby, some work done)
1/144 F-20 TigerShark (Mini Hobby, some work done)
1/144 Mirage F-1C (Mini Hobby, same progress as the F-20 )
1/144 F4E Phantom II (Mini Hobby)
1/72 F4U-1 Corsair (Testors, some work done)
1/72 B-2 (Testors, some work done)

All in the queue, but nothing I’ll finish any time soon…

Its hard to decide what i want to build after i finish one. Considering that i have over 100 models waiting for some sort of attention. But after everything that I am doing now I probally will build the 3 P-40’s I have. The rusty but trusty monogram P-40B, an ERTL P-40E and an AM Tech P-40F/L.

The long list is about 100 kits.
Short Term- Sorta:

1/48 P-51B (Tamiya) Current Project about half way complete
1/48 F-15A Streak Eagle (Hasagawa)
1/48 P-38J Lightning (Hasagawa)
1/48 F6F-3 Hellcat (Otaki)
1/48 JU-87 Stuka (Hasagawa)
1/48 P-47 Thud Razorback (Tamiya)
1/48 Bell X-1 (Edward)
1/48 X-15A-2 (Collect Aire)

And the list seems to get longer every day.

Tooooooo many models…not enough time…
I’ve got about 100 unbuilt - but at the top of the to-do list are: (all in 1/48 scale)
Accurate Miniatures B-25C/D with the Aries resin cockpit
Accurate Miniatures A-36
Hasegawa P-51D - with tons of resin aftermarket stuff
Hasegawa P-47 Razorback - another one with the Aries cockpit
Minicraft Grumman XF5F Skyrocket
Special Hobby X-15A-2
And in 1/24 scale…
Accurate Miniatures McLaren M8B
Fujimi Lancia Stratos
Fujimi Ferrari 288 GTO
Fujimi GT40 1969 LeMans winner

There’s lots more - one day I might start cutting plastic…

I’m still trying to jumpstart the hobby after a long spate of biz travel. To that end I decided to join some of the group builds. So here is the queue:

Group Builds:
AM Build - 1/48 A-36 Apache
Monogram Build - 1/48 F-14A (If I have the stomach)
General Aviation Build - 1/48 Cherokee 140

The next likely candidates
Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1
Monogram 1/72 B-52D
Tamiya 1/35 Sherman M4A3

Hey! How did that tank get in here?

In progress (all are in 1/48):
Hasegawa F-14A Tomcat
Revell B-17F “Memphis Belle”
2 Hasegawa F-16CJs

To Do:
Hasegawa US Weapons Set B
Hasegawa US Weapons Set C
Hasegawa US Weapons Set D
2 Monogram AH-1S Cobras
Revell of Germany Harvard Mk I (T-6)
Revellogram F-15C

Roadkill, just a note of caution: Don’t be fooled by those mild-mannered looking Cherokee kits. I started building one because that’s what I soloed in. However, you’ll find that the engine parts are naught but unidentifiable globs of styrene. You don’t need the engine, only the exhaust end that sticks out, though. Remember to weight the nose. The fit’s pretty poor and detail is primitive. But, as we say in Texas, You gotta dance with who brung ya’, and that’s the only Cherokee in town, so good luck. I may try another. Is there any external difference between Cherokee 140 and 162? That’s what I flew.
P.S. I noticed by your home town you’re not far from my family home town, Pittsburg (without an “h”), TX, where I grew up. It’s a long way from NYC, but at least you’re close to those nice Dallas hobby shops.

My pile:
AccMin F3F-1
Eduard Profipak X-1 (stalled because I can’t get the instrument panel to go in cockpit)
ProModeler Ju 52
ProModeler Ta 154 (lost a prop spinner, so it’s on hold till I figure a way out)
Tamiya Honda 272 vintage F1 car (!)
All those in various stages of completion

Awaiting having enough $ for AM parts so I can build:
Tamiya Me 262a-2a
ProModeler Do 217E (Want those nice Eduard PE frets, but what I really need is masks for all that glass. I wouldn’t dare try it with my track record with canopy frames like that).
AccMin B-25G (really doesn’t need aftermarket, but I can’t resist.)
Hasegawa Hurricane IIa Trop

Let’s see, there’s:

B-36 (Revell Germany)
Helldiver (Revell Germany)
Hellcat (Revell Germany)
Dauntless (Testors)
Hawker Hurricane (Academy)
A-17 (MPM)

All 1:72. And the sad thing is- that’s my entire collection! [:(] All of them are stalled for the same reason- for want of an airbrush. (Except for the B-36- that I’m just waiting for some resin so I can replicate some turrets.)

Projects I have on the extreme back burner are a few I don’t even own yet, but have an obligation to get them. And besides, I WANT to get them.

Two 1:72 Ju 290 kits (Revell Germany)
1:72 Me 328 (PM Model)

Both are for a gigantic project I’m doing for my GB. (The link’s below if you’re intrested.)

Wow, some of you guys have a lot of kits! I have nine unbuilt and one in progress.
Bf-110G-4 from Promodeler in progress as part of the monogram group build
unbuilt in 1/48
Spitfire IX from Hasagawa
Hs-123A-1 from Amtech
Ki-46 III from Tamiya
Yak-7 from IMC
Fw-190A-8 from Dragon
in 1/35
jagdpanther form Tamiya
Kingtiger from Tamiya
Flakpnzer IV Wirbelwind from Tamiya (mostly built but stalled due to a track problem)
352nd Volksgrenadier figures from Dragon
and that is all! At least I dont have a storage problem!

Lucien, and to others in the no-airbrush jam:
Get up off of about $15 and buy a Testers spray gun. Even with an airbrush, I’m still hooked on this thing for builds like the ones in your pile, i.e. no elaborate Luftwaffe splotchy camo schemes. This airgun is a simple cap that snaps on to a can of air (supplied) and you can put Model Master size bottles directly on the gun withtout transferring to another bottle. The special spray cap that goes on the bottle is easier to clean than any airbrush. It uses less air than an airbrush, but more paint, so you have to practice holding down the trigger just enough to give it good coverage. I think the only thing that prevents more people from using it is that it is so simple and cheap they can’t imagine it being of any use. This thing would be absolutely perfect for your B-36, and the navy a/c too. I did a Dewoitine 520 in Vichy camo and a 1/48 Tamiya Mosquito PR IV in green/ocean gray schemes using masks and this airgun and they came out as well as any Iwata airbrush job. Until you can get an airbrush, do this thing I say. You won’t be sorry. Good luck.

hmm for me lets see

f4u-1d academy pappy boyington’s corsair
b5n1 “kate” hasegawa to be converted to a shokaku b5n2 pearl harbor attack a/c
zero type 21 tamiya pearl harbor attack a/c
p-51d revell monogram
p-40b revell monogram pearl harbor defender (in progress)

f4f-4 dragon
p-38j dragon (in progress)

non a/c
m4 italeri
sd.kfz.182 king tiger porsche turrent dml/dragon (for backwards build)

willys mb jeep (in progress)


hers mine

1/32 tamiya phantom F4J (UK) under construction
1/32 revell F4J
1/48 hasewaga FGR2
1/72 MATCHBOX EE lightning

This is cool. I was just curious about it was all. There is some neat stuff out there. For those of you with a small collection, don’t worry about it. I lucked into 105 of my models at a garage sale for 10$, before any one says I was lucky, about half of them were missing instructions and or decals and some of them were missing parts. (Yes Dave, I know about building a kit with out instructions).

Well, let’s see. Should I give you the “public” list, or the list of kits that my wife hasn’t found out about yet? Guess I’ll play it safe:

1/32 Trumpeter F-105G
1/48 Tamiya P-51D diorama
1/48 Tamiya P-47D Bubbletop
1/48 AM TBM Avenger
1/48 Tamiya A-1 Skyradier
1/48 Academy F-86
1/20 Tamiya Williams FW-24

That’s all I’ll admit to right now, at least. Hopefully I can sneak a couple more 1/32 jets in under her radar screen soon!