Here’s what’s currently in the queue:

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There’s a few others floating around, but these are most of the ‘serious’ projects.
The Tamiya P-51D is already ‘finished’, I just have to add a few last things to it.
The Tamiya Spit and P-51B are testbeds; got them when they were already started, so they’ll get slapped together and sent off to join the 914th MFTTU. (Model Finishing Technique Testing Unit)
The Tamiya MiG and the Eduard Tempest and Yak are all started, each with major sub-assemblies finished; I’ve just stalled on them out of boredom.
The ICM MiG-3 is also a ways along. That was a ‘bet’ model which was supposed to be finished by our show this past April. I lost the bet, obviously…
The Hasegawa Jug is part of a now defunct ‘Common Kit’, which is our local version of the group builds here on FSM. The ‘Common Kit’ has been around for much, much longer; longer than FSM has been in publication as a matter of fact. It’s also part of the reason why I never join in on the group builds. I’ve only endeavoured to join one of them, and dropped out of it fairly quickly. But we’ve decided to cancel all the current CK’s here, so maybe I can actually get in on a group build. (RIIIIIGHT!!!)
Speaking of… that braille scale ProModeler 109 is the kit I was gonna do for that aforementioned group build. Got as far as dry-fitting and researching a subject and that was it…
The other three braille scale kits aren’t really in the queue, they’re just there because they fit nicely into that spot! LOL The Hasegawa 190 and 109 will be a couple of major projects. The Trumpeter Hawk will be as well, although I’d like to get another. This one came from a friend who started it and then got bored, as he usually does, and then gave it away. I was just lucky that it was my turn! (Although my being Mr.P-40 had something to do with it, I think…)
The DML and MPM 190’s are going to be a kitbash. The MPM Fw 190S was based on the DML/Dragon kit and since I have a surplus of DML 190’s, I decided to see what I could do with 'em. (I don’t seem to build a whole lot anymore but when I do, I very rarely take the easy way out…)
And, yes, you do see some targets there on the right. Things with wings are only my specialty. If it blew stuff up between 1930 and 1955, I’ll build it…
Last, but certainly not least, is the 1/144 Minicraft DC-3. My Dad started that one and never did finish it. He really liked the Gooney Bird and really liked small scale models, so even though it’s not my usual bag I’m going to finish it for him…
Almost forgot! It’s not an airplane, but I have a couple Mclaren M8’s which I have to build for the boys at AM. I can’t delay that one any longer…
Fade to Black…