What would it be

Panzershop WWI tank conversion kits. Can’t justify spending $100-$200 on one on top of a $80-$100 donor kit.

1/350 scale USS Oriskany, as built with the straight deck.

F2H-2 Banshee (1/48)

1972 Gran Torino Sport sports roof

1/48 scale GM Old Look bus

Dumas #1233 PT-109 I’ve wanted to build this for a Very long time.

Yrs ago it would have been the 1/72nd H.M.C.S Snowberry,. i have 2 now ,so i would have to say Tamiya,s Dragon Wagon,…A beauty of a kit!!

There have been some great dream kits listed so far. My absolute unicorn kits would be a 1/72 Nimitz aircraft carrier like what was showcased in the one of the first couple FSM issues.

Other than that impossibility, a couple years ago I would have had a semi reasonable kit in mind. Fortunately at that same time I had the extra couple hundred bucks and came home with this.

Now I just need more time and space to finish it….:flushed:
