What would it be

If you got a handful of bills for free (couple of 100$ bills) what model would you most likely be bringing home? I’ve been think along those lines also. I was given some bucks from family. is it going to be armor or a vintage classic car?

Many years ago, I turned my nose up at the Fine Molds 1/72 scale Millennium Falcon kit. Instead, I bought both the 1/72 Jengo Fett and 1/72 scale Boba Fett version of the Slave 1.

I’d hunt one of those Falcons down with a spare few hundred dollars.

I’m interested in the new Trumpeter 1/350 USS Midway CV-41 straight deck. $ 235.00.


Man that’s a tough call. If display space was not a consideration, perhaps a large gun like the Atomic Cannon or Leopold railway gun in 1/35… or maybe a 1/350 IJN aircraft carrier such as Akagi, Hiryu, or Shokaku… not sure what aircraft kit that I’d get… perhaps one of the 1/32 B-25s or B-26 Invaders… And of course there are the 1/72 real space kits of a Saturn V rocket or Space Shuttle with tank & booster rockets. In sci fi, if Dragon were to ever release their announced 1/35 AT-AT…

Probably go for a wooden ship kit. There is a really great chinese junk kit.

YEARS AGO, I PURCHASED A WOOD SHIP KIT FOR MY WIIFE IT SAT FOR A FEW YEARS THEN I DECIDED ITS TIME TO FIX THAT. TOOK ME 8 MONTHS BUT I COMPLETED I. Its the Benjamin Latham. after that i built the USS Constitution and now I have two Mississippi River boats one in progress.
I have way too many hobbies…[:(] I also work leather and spend time off-roading in my FJ Cruiser. o almost forgot 3d printing and laser cutting…[:|][:|]

Someone once said “you can’t take it with you” I figure i owe it to my buddies i grew up with that couldn’t take it with them some in Arlington.

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Probably a 1/12 Model Factory Hiro full detail formula 1 kit.

I’d like to get my hands on a Wingnut Wings Eindecker or one of their Gotha bombers.

Since I am not much into big or expensive kits anymore though, my true wish would a nice enclosed glass display case that is big enough to put my finished builds in and keep them safe.

Come on, that was an April 1st announcement.

A man can still dream… [whstl] [;)]

Short List:

  • 1/8 Pocher F40

  • 1/12 MFH Porsche 917

  • 1/12 MFH Ferrari 330 P4

  • 1/12 MFH Brabham BT46

  • 1/35 Leopold Rail Gun

  • 1/32 B-17 or B-14D

  • 1/32 PBY Catalina

  • 1/200 USS Hornet Carrier

  • 1/16 Tamiya M551 Sheridan

  • 1/18 A-10 (wish list)

MPM Models 1/48 HE-177.

Tough call. I don’t generally buy the latest and greatest kit release. While I do have an Academy 1/48 A-10C in the closet, I do tend more toward the older, less expensive kits. So, if I happen to have a couple of extra “C” notes in my pocket, I’d wander the vendor area at some club’s annual show and pick up whatever strikes my fancy. Then, again, I would like to get hold of the new Tamiya 1/48 F-35B to go along with the F-35A sitting on the display shelf.

I have a wish list, but every time I go to the store that list goes out the window since they never have anything on my list. But if I ordered something, my short list would be.

ICM 1/48 O-2A
Italeri 1/72 B-52G
1/48 T-33A

Trying to put together the aircraft my dad and uncle flew. There are more, but that’s a short list.

You know, if someone gave me a wad of $100 bills and told me to spend it at the hobby shop, I’d call my friends and tell them there’s an open tab at the LHS. I can’t think of any high-ticket item I want. Either that or buy a lifetime supply of Mr. Hobby Cement S and Mr. Surfacer 1500.

What I would REALLY like is for someone to hand me some time and energy to build the kits I already have.


Oof, this cuts deep!

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I’m there with you. For me it is definitely less about dream kits and more about opportunity to build.

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Right? I’m on a modeling binge right now, but it is still challenging to get bench time between other stuff I need to do. I’m usually too pooped during the weekdays after work. Last night I could only get about an hour’s worth of modeling after dinner. When I was younger, I used to look forward to Fridays, as that was the fun night when I would go see a movie or roll out the airbrush to paint a model.

I suppose I’m being unfair to the young ones here, as they have time, youth, and space in the closet for more kits. :grin: Young kids, you go with that money and build that stash!

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I don’t think you’re being unfair. The question was what would you do.
In my youth I had time and energy but no money. At this stage in my life money is less of an issue, but time and energy have become a rare commodity. If I could use that money to make time I’d do it in a heartbeat. :smile:

Mine would be the ICM 1/350 König with all the trimmings. One of my favorite ships from one of my favorite eras, I scratchbuilt a rather nice 1/700 one a few years before the ICM kit came out…but have just never gotten around to getting the large-scale kit.